The prosecution lawyer said a careful analysis of fingerprint, forensic, circumstantial and eye-witness evidence demonstrated that Mr Tobin had raped and murdered Ms Kluk.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Glasgow and West | Final speeches at Angelika trial
Beyond validating the inclusion of HP on our risk list, the announcement provided the latest illustration of the importance of forensic accounting in the analysis of issuer risk.
It was based on eyewitness testimony, photos and forensic analysis of a used grenade cartridge.
BBC: Burma police 'used white phosphorous' on mine protesters
Officers believe forensic analysis of the video images may reveal part or all of the vehicle's number plate.
After gathering enough evidence to get a court order to investigate Kruse Wellwood, 16, and Cameron Moffat, 17, police bugged their homes, monitored their cell phones, and performed forensic analysis of their computers and phones for a history of their Internet activity and online and text conversations.
FORBES: Solving A Teen Murder By Following A Trail of Digital Evidence
In its design we took care that the test can cope with the challenges of forensic DNA analysis such as low amounts of material.
But know that we take security seriously, and we have the logs to do a full forensic analysis to determine the scope of what happened.
"If you do a forensic analysis we can then identify commonality of product which takes us back to single suppliers, single warehousemen, and those people who produce it, " he said.
It contains news, business, sport and analysis but its speciality is the agenda-setting forensic interviewing of public figures by John Humphrys and his fellow presenters.
The ICO told Google it must supply the data immediately so it could be subjected to forensic analysis before the ICO decided on the necessary course of action.
After gathering those 5, 000 hours of footage, Vancouver police then contacted LEVA through the Forensic Video Analysis Response Team to go through all that video.
In addition to Walker, five witnesses testified Thursday morning, including officials with cell phone companies and a computer forensic specialist for the Ohio Bureau of Investigation who testified about her analysis of the contents of 17 cell phones examined by police.
Instead, to judge by the most comprehensive study on the reliability of forensic evidence to date, the error rate is more than 10% in five categories of analysis, including fiber, paint and body fluids. (Meaning: When the expert says specimen X matches source Y, there's a 10% probability he's wrong.) DNA and fingerprints are more reliable but still not foolproof.