Of course, the monthly analysis of relative performance and on-balance volume (OBV) can be combined with Starc band analysis to identify new opportunities.
From that point through the end of December 2007, the cutoff for our performance analysis, the American Depositary Receipts of Ryanair returned 68 percentage points more than the airline industry as a whole.
For those who are not convinced of the value of relative performance, or RS analysis, I would point out that the RS analysis of the financial sector was negative early in the year, well before the fundamentals weakened.
The relative performance, or RS analysis, looks at the performance of EWS compared to the MSCI World Index.
However, I have found that combining this scan with the monthly analysis of the chart, relative performance, and on-balance volume can be quite effective in identifying good buying opportunities.
"Based on our analysis, the performance of A123's new Nanophosphate EXT at high temperatures is unlike anything we've ever seen from lead acid, lithium ion or any other battery technology, " said Dr. Yann Guezennec, senior fellow at CAR and professor of mechanical engineering at the Ohio State University.
ENGADGET: A123 Systems' new lithium ion tech keeps EV batteries cool, your wallet in check
Chart Analysis : The performance chart of the Dax index shows that it was up over 35% on March 14 but just over a month later it was only up just over 24%.
Campbell Mithun's director of media analysis, John Rash, is encouraged by the early performance of sitcoms this season, though he fears the networks' attempts to replicate the success of edgier hits like Seinfeld and Friends are somewhat misguided.
The Council's annual report provides an analysis of the previous year's economic performance and a reckoning of what's to come.
FORBES: White House Report Says Economy Will Rebound In 2008
In the traditional model, CRM is a system of record: it tracks customer information and contact history, manages the sales pipeline, and enables detailed analysis of sales performance and customer data.
Benchmarks and thorough analysis of performance will be reserved for the final review, but the Vivo Tab is very responsive.
The monthly relative performance analysis of KMP shows that it has formed higher highs and higher lows (line b) since it completed a bottom formation in 2008 (line a).
The break of support was confirmed by the relative performance, or RS analysis, as it also violated support at line d.
One of the best sites I have found that allows you to do relative or comparative performance analysis is Stockcharts.com. (In the interests of full disclosure, it is partially owned by two old friends John Murphy and Greg Morris).
The monthly relative performance or RS analysis broke its uptrend, line b, at the end of June and its WMA the following month.
For comparison purposes I have provided the relative performance or RS Analysis chart of FBIOX that you are more familiar with from my daily column.
Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately-held companies in North America and the UK and provides financial statement analysis software.
Chart Analysis : This percentage-change chart tracks the percentage performance of the Spyder Trust ( SPY), Powershares DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund ( UUP), and the SPDR Gold Trust ( GLD) since August 2011.
Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately held companies and provides financial analysis software.
Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately-held companies and provides financial analysis software.
Chart Analysis : This percentage change chart (courtesy of TradeStation.com) shows the performance of the SPDR Diamonds Trust ( DIA) and Spyder Trust ( SPY) since the start of 2011.
Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately-held companies and provides financial ratios analysis.
Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately-held companies and provides financial report analysis.
Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately-held companies and provides financial statement analysis software.
Sageworks, a financial information company, collects and analyzes data on the performance of privately-held companies and provides cash flow management analysis.
Chart Analysis : The PowerShares DB Dollar Bullish ETF ( UUP) follows the price performance of the Deutsche Bank Long US Dollar Futures Index.
An analysis by Martin Barnes, of the Bank Credit Analyst, finds that if America's growth performance is instead measured by the gap between actual and potential output, it looks much less stellar.
In fact, if you had ended the analysis in 1999, you would have concluded that rebalancing hurt performance, instead of helping it.
Virtually all measures of academic achievement have shown substantial differences in the performance of African-American and white students in the United States, and these performance differentials have been a source of constant analysis and discussion.
As the amount of information grows exponentially and the clockspeed of business gets faster, providing a streamlined flow of real-time data analysis and decision making in key processes will be the foundation for better performance and competitive advantage.