The undertaken study and analytical report as its result are designed to describe the state of arts education in Ukraine and more vividly define the ways of its improvement over the longer term based on interdepartmental interaction of all governmental and civic institutions concerned for the sake of further fruitful development of national culture.
The Center for Security Policy believes that assistance to the Soviet Union at this time should be limited to the kind of legal, technical and analytical advice reportedly endorsed by the IMF-led study.
The interpretation of the evidence obtained in this study, based on the use of advanced analytical methods, supports the hypothesis of an intentional therapeutic treatment, but alternative post-mortem practices are not ruled out.
For many parents, the emphasis on creativity and analytical thinking in U.S. education makes the expense of sending a child to study abroad worthwhile.
The study was entirely funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), while the analytical work was duplicated by two other government laboratories to ensure extra rigor.