The scientists plan to combine those brain scans with medical records and demographic information in electronic dossiers that can be analyzed on the project's supercomputer.
Researchers at Kaiser Permanente analyzed data on the drinking habits of 70, 033 women of various races and backgrounds.
Project proposals are analyzed based on national and international norms, whereby the child and adolescent are seen as being society's greatest asset.
Kochar and his colleagues analyzed data on more than 13, 000 men who were part of the long-running Physicians' Health Study, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health.
In a study that analyzed data on nearly 190, 000 Medicare patients treated between 2003 and 2007, 16.4% of surgery patients had died after four years, compared with 20.8% treated with angioplasty and a stent to prop open diseased vessels.
WSJ: Heart Bypass Surgery May Offer Lower Death Risk Than Angioplasty
The team analyzed data on loudness, pitch and timbre from just under half a million tracks spanning 55 years, finding the average volume of recordings has increased in that time -- said to be the doing of record labels so songs stand out amongst other radio noise.
ENGADGET: Researchers prove your grandmother right, modern music is louder and all the same
Zillow analyzed data on actual sales prices compared to asking prices, the number of days listings spent on Zillow and the percentage of homes on the market with a price cut, and ranked the 30 largest metro areas in the country to determine whether buyers or sellers have more negotiating power in a given market.
Nations are analyzed and ranked on 89 indicators in 8 categories such as education, government and economics.
Private researchers who have analyzed federal data on airline performance say it's not surprising that passengers are irritated.
Vincentric analyzed 23 diesels on sale in the United States 11 of them classified as commercial vehicles and 12 as consumer vehicles.
That was among the findings of a second study, also released this week, in which researchers at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia compiled and analyzed media reports on 41 high-profile teen suicides dating back to 2003.
Private researchers who analyzed federal data on airline performance also said in a report being released Monday that consumer complaints to the Department of Transportation surged by one-fifth last year even though other measures such as on-time arrivals and mishandled baggage show airlines are doing a better job.
The ALA analyzed the data based on ozone pollution, short-term particle pollution and year-round particle pollution.
The recordings will be kept confidential and once the devices' data are analyzed, any conversations on the recordings will be deleted.
When we analyzed how women scored on the quiz, we found that they scored the highest and were the most effective at growing (80 percentile) and sharing (87 percentile) opportunities.
FORBES: Study Reveals the Workforce Is Not Innovative Enough
The impact on social interactions of these technological advancements has gone unrecognized until analyzed in retrospect with the examiners split on whether the societal shifts were for the better or worse.
Brian Hamilton, CEO of Sageworks, analyzed the data Sageworks collects on private companies and their profitability.
Scientists are excited about that because the first sample could have been tainted by material analyzed at a different site on Mars.
We analyzed different proposals and visions on the side of Mexico and the United States to strengthen North America as a region.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Calder��n Press Availability | The White House
On Wednesday we analyzed Sirota's bizarre hankerings in terms of psychology.
At one of the firms we analyzed a new CEO came on board and found that some of the executives had never made any decisions.
Samples inside the package must first be "cooked" in an oven, then analyzed using instruments commonly found on the shelf of respectable scientific laboratories on Earth.
Company data such as return on assets and return on equity are analyzed with respect to trends in their own performance, and relative to industry averages.
That data is analyzed by more than 70 on-board computers.
FORBES: Think How Much Smarter Your Car Will Be In A Few Years
The draft will now go to a committee consisting of OSHA, the Small Business Administration, and the Office of Management and Budget, where it will be analyzed for its economic impact on small businesses.
Resulting electrical pulses are analyzed by software that can determine on the fly which isotopes are present.
My previous article analyzed the effects of global warming on the African continent from an economic perspective.
Perhaps, it was an opinion based on information gathered, analyzed and parsed to draw the conclusion-that was now being stated as fact.
The study analyzed ten years of startup data on 100, 000 companies from CrunchBase and a variety of other sources, including Wikibon and NASDAQ.
FORBES: CrunchBase Crunching: SiSense and the Big Data Group on the State of the VC Industry