• Peanuts are the most common food trigger of life-threatening anaphylactic shock, accounting for more than half of all fatal food-induced allergic reactions.

    CNN: Kids with nut allergies feel teased, excluded

  • Yet be warned, additional bites could once again lead to anaphylactic shock.

    CNN: Ticks causing mysterious meat allergy

  • Because of the remaining amount of egg in the injection, it should not be given to people who have an anaphylactic allergic response to egg.

    CNN: Is there an eggless flu shot?

  • For those who have a history of anaphylactic reactions to insects, vaccines are available for yellow jackets, wasps, honey bees and fire ants, Bassett said.

    CNN: Skateboarder's death underscores insect allergy risks

  • They believe that simple modifications, such as curing below 60C, could reduce the production of these compounds, and thus reduce the risk of triggering anaphylactic shock.

    BBC: New technique for safer peanuts

  • Consuming these can bring on an anaphylactic reaction, in which a person's throat closes, cutting off oxygen, or the stomach convulses and the lungs eventually swell up.

    WSJ: Finding Food Allergy Allies

  • For example, the doctor could create an asthmatic patient with chronic heart disease who is taking a handful of certain drugs and is currently experiencing anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction.

    FORBES: The Perfect Patient

  • Dr. ROBERT WOOD (Johns Hopkins University): We thought that those that had had a severe anaphylactic reaction would automatically be less likely to outgrow their allergy, and that's turned out to not be the case.

    NPR: Studies Predict Odds of Outgrowing Nut Allergies

  • While anaphylaxis normally occurs within minutes or seconds of eating a certain food, this is not the case with alpha-gal patients, who suffer anaphylactic shock anywhere from four to six hours after eating certain meats.

    CNN: Ticks causing mysterious meat allergy

  • For example, aluminum hydroxide is commonly added to vaccines but it was documented in a NATO book that aluminum also stimulates production of IgE, the immunoglobulin most associated with anaphylactic shock and there are multiple other toxic adjuvants routinely added in vaccine manufacture.

    FORBES: Extradite Andrew Wakefield To Face Fraud Charges In The UK

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