Mda, whose contribution to the struggle, his widow lamented, was entirely forgotten by the triumphant ANC.
Did South Africa's parliament - ANC and opposition - fail in its duty of oversight?
The ANC has dominated South African politics since its first democratic election in 1994.
"The ANC will never go above 60 percent -- that's what they were saying, " Zuma said.
The ANC's tally, though down from its previous 66%, was still expected to top 60%.
If he loses his appeal, the ANC will elect a new youth league leader.
Once every five years, the ANC holds a conference to elect a president of the party.
The ANC welcomed the family's decision to distance itself from the comments, Mr Mthembu added.
In December 2012 Mr Zuma was was re-elected as ANC leader with an overwhelming majority.
The country's ruling party, the ANC, called on South Africans to rally around "our golden girl".
Criticism of the government or the ANC is increasingly depicted as a racist slur.
The ANC's unedifying internal wrangles are only adding to South Africans' growing sense of gloom.
If this scramble for office and its spoils turns uglier, the ANC's popularity could dip.
Facing the future, how does the ANC now turn itself into a political party?
The new ANC leadership wants the whole thing dropped, arguing he has been treated unfairly.
She remains popular with those who feel the ANC has not done enough for the poor.
Though the ANC encompasses all races, it is dominated by members of the Xhosa tribe.
He apologised, but the speech landed him in front of another ANC disciplinary hearing.
Rather than punishing officials for criminal behavior, the ANC is going after the messenger.
The ANC is unlikely to improve its general governance or its policies toward Israel.
Mr Zuma is now almost certain to lead the ANC into the 2014 national election.
He stepped on to the stage beaming to shake hands with fellow ANC members.
Of the ANC's supporters, the vast majority are black (96%), poor and little educated.
ANC's vote shrank from 66.4% at the national election to about 60% this week.
In the 1960s, Liliesleaf Farm was the headquarters of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the military wing of the then-banned ANC.
He faces division within the ANC and seems unable or unwilling to berate him privately.
ANC, and the turmoil which so many predicted, that would be no small achievement.
In South Africa, the ANC, Africa's oldest liberation movement celebrates its 100th birthday this January.
She spoke out about all of it, though the ANC seldom deigned to notice or reply.
Have the distinctions between the government's duties and the narrower interests of the ANC become dangerously blurred?