Her body was found 12 days later, near the remnants of some ancient city walls.
Hanks said shooting the movie in the ancient city was complicated given the vibrancy of Rome.
The ancient city of Aleppo has been inscribed on the World Heritage List since 1986.
Thank you to the people of Lisbon and Portugal for welcoming us to this beautiful, ancient city.
Tour guide Hussein Al-Ammari says an oil pipeline runs through the eastern part of the ancient city.
Perhaps the biggest tourist crowd is the shoppers attracted to the ancient city from Germany and Belgium.
Smoke from the burning sugar cane painted the ancient city of Luxor below with an eerie haziness.
CNN: Official: Egypt balloon explosion probe can take 2 weeks
This ancient city, the gem of central Europe, has seen its share of both glory and depredation.
FORBES: History's Witness: Prague, Communism, And The Socialist Ideal
Its double-tiered library, marble-paved roads, theatre, baths and even public latrine offer the most-preserved look at ancient city life in Turkey.
Only 2% of the ancient city has been excavated, but those buried historical treasures are threatened by encroaching development.
Smaller pieces better evoke the urbanity and refined aesthetics of the ancient city.
Incongruously, the ancient City Wall wraps itself seamlessly around the metropolis, one of the largest ancient military defensive systems in the world.
Each year, 2.5 million tourists visit the ancient city, which was buried under ash after Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD.
Victoria enjoyed embarking upon this first-time photo adventure, hopping around the ancient city on the train with Buster, her canine companion.
The French people were enchanted with the ancient city and beginning in 1908 funded and superbly managed an extensive restoration project.
Turkish news reports have described the man as a homeless scrap paper collector who used to hang around Istanbul's ancient city walls.
The exclusive experience starts at dusk when daily visitors clear out, and an archaeological guide leads the couple on a private tour through the ancient city.
Petra is an ancient city that was sculpted out of sandstone cliffs in the southern deserts of Jordan to become the capital of the Nabataeans.
The artefacts were discovered by a German archaeologist in 1872 at a site in Turkey believed to be that of the ancient city of Troy.
Listed as an archaeological site since 1935, Babylon has been partially excavated over the last century, but much of the ancient city remains to be discovered.
Then there is the ancient city of Palmyra, another Unesco World Heritage site, whose ruins lay scattered across a desert oasis 150 miles northeast of Damascus.
The ancient city centre, with its Roman, Gothic and Renaissance slices, is a Unesco World Heritage site, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors a year to its narrow streets.
While many people still view the ancient city of Kathmandu as a mystical Shangri-la in the Himalayas, the modern reality of life in Nepal's capital is far from peaceful.
The state-run Anadolu Agency said the body of a woman was discovered Saturday evening near the remnants of ancient city walls and that police later identified it as Sierra's.
The ancient city of Timbuktu is a UNESCO World Heritage site of huge cultural significance, but its carefully preserved heritage has come under severe threat amid the ongoing conflict.
The site of the ancient city, which is carved into rose-red stone, dates back 2, 000 years and is Jordan's top tourist attraction, drawing more than half a million visitors each year.
By the end of that millennium, however, Butrint was in the hands of the Romans who smartened up the theatre and installed (predictably) a new bath house by the ancient city wall.
Dr. LEVINE: I was sitting - and I still have mine, too - and I was sitting there as it came in and I was wondering, would we see an ancient city?
To the east of Bethlehem, chalky hills sink below sea level towards the Dead Sea and the ancient city of Jericho, immortalized in the Bible for its walls that tumbled under the blasts of trumpets (Joshua 6:20).