• It will recommend that the Oxford children's cardiac unit stops doing surgery, but continues to offer diagnosis and pre- and post-operation care.

    BBC: John Radcliffe paediatric heart surgery 'should stop'

  • The search-and-rescue operation was small-scale and well padded with diplomatic excuses.

    ECONOMIST: America��s old alliance subsides into the sand | The

  • "Erdogan told Benjamin Netanyahu that he valued centuries-long strong friendship and co-operation between the Turkish and Jewish nations, " it added.

    BBC: Israel PM apologies for Gaza flotilla deaths

  • The United States appointed a special envoy to ASEAN, based in Jakarta, signed the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Co-operation, and has taken part in the ASEAN Regional Forum, a security talking-shop.

    ECONOMIST: South-East Asian summitry

  • "There has to be progress on the political dialogue, there has to be progress on terrorism and there has to be progress on trade and co-operation and the three have to be linked, " Mr Patten said for his part.

    BBC: EU talks human rights with Iran

  • "We believe the implementation of the pact will further promote exchanges and co-operation in cross-strait trade and help the economies develop together, " spokesman Yao Jian said in a statement.

    BBC: Historic Taiwan-China trade deal takes effect

  • ASEAN, the main issues are long-term: how eagerly will its members press for greater openness and co-operation in trade, investment and financial regulation?

    ECONOMIST: ASEAN looks to the new year

  • However, joint training exercises and co-operation in peacekeeping and disaster relief will now be permitted under the new agreement.

    BBC: Australia boosts Burma aid and defence co-operation

  • Suddenly, the old issues of race and local control seemed less pressing, and co-operation between city and suburbs more appealing.

    ECONOMIST: Urban sprawl

  • One of Phoenix's major strengths is that it is a real co-operative effort and co-operation will be the key to Rover's future success.

    BBC: Richard Burden: The hard work starts here

  • If the bombers were identified to be foreign nationals, then the Met would seek help and co-operation from Interpol and police in the countries concerned, she said.

    BBC: Will the bombers be caught?

  • My first priority is now to get to know this richly varied community, which has already proved exceptionally welcoming to myself and my family, and to work with them all to keep the College a place of warmth and co-operation, challenge and excellence.

    BBC: Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams

  • The meeting will mark the conclusion of the project "Alignment to International Standards in the Media Sector of South East-European Countries", funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNESCO with the collaboration of the South-East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe (AIPCE).


  • But before the first 24 hours were out, and while the search-and-rescue operation was ongoing, the Coast Guard was eyeing the potential environmental impact of the explosion.

    WSJ: Coast Guard Log Details Early Hours of Spill

  • Couple that with the words in the Norwegian Nobel Committee's citation that the peace prize is being awarded to Obama "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples" and that they have "attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons, " and the message is clear.

    CNN: Analysis: Did Obama win Nobel for not being Bush?

  • The European Union, which has too often split into camps of appeasers and tough-talkers over Russia, should drop negotiations on a new partnership and co-operation agreement.

    ECONOMIST: The war in Georgia

  • Alliot-Marie said military and intelligence co-operation between Paris and Washington had been unaffected by the split over Iraq.

    CNN: France accuses U.S of 'economic war'

  • John Laughland, a British historian at the pro-Kremlin Institute for Democracy and Co-operation in Paris, argued on the Russia Today channel that politicians make bad historians.

    ECONOMIST: Criminalising historical investigation is wrong

  • Mr Cameron had earlier admitted in a speech at Moscow State University that there remained "difficult issues that hamper mutual trust and co-operation" between the UK and Russia.

    BBC: Cameron rejects Russia security call over Litvinenko

  • This is a reference to the two-phase solution being proposed by the co-chairmen of the so-called Minsk Group of the OSCE -- the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe -- which is mediating a settlement.

    BBC: Karabakh: Are Things Moving?

  • Others will allow a sharp expansion in direct cross-strait flights and improve co-operation in fighting crime and repatriating fugitives.

    ECONOMIST: Taiwan and the WHO: A healthy development | The

  • Social media opens up new pathways of communication between a business and its customer base and provides a forum for co-operation and co-creation - one that can produce both small, iterative improvements and large breakthrough innovations.

    BBC: Business

  • "We are grateful for the patients' and public's understanding and co-operation during what can be a difficult and stressful situation, " she added.

    BBC: Dumfries Infirmary bug outbreak ward remains shut

  • The International Conference on TV Broadcasting in Uzbekistan was organized on 23 and 24 October in Samarkand by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Uzbek Parliament), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and the Uzbek National Association of Electronic Media and National TV and Radio Company, with support from UNESCO.


  • The package also included a common definition of terrorist crimes accepted by all 15 EU nations, agreement to deny safe haven to terrorists, their supporters or financial backers and increased co-operation and information exchange among law enforcement agencies within the EU and other nations.

    CNN: EU names terror groups

  • At the same time, though, expanding economic links between India and China will provide valuable opportunities for co-operation and confidence-building.

    ECONOMIST: As India's clout grows it will reshape the world around it

  • He argues that to prevent minor incidents escalating in this way, Asian countries need to invest a lot more time in discussions of regional security and do more to replace mutual suspicion with co-operation and confidence-building.

    ECONOMIST: Asia's navies

  • They're not the only committee going walkabout - the Home Affairs Committee is in Miami and then Bogota, looking at drugs policy and the Business Innovation and Skills Committee is in Sheffield meeting apprentices and looking at co-operation between universities and hi-tech companies.

    BBC: Week ahead in Parliament

  • He also praised the collaboration between Italian authorities and global police authorities "that allowed such a major, international anti-drug and anti-terrorist operation".

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Major drugs haul in Italian port

  • Russia's half-promises of restraint and negotiation made in Istanbul last month to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe have proved empty.

    ECONOMIST: Russia��s merciless war

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