And thank you for all the teachers and staff and the folks who are working with these kids, the parents who are here today.
WHITEHOUSE: Interactive Film Workshop for Students: Beasts of the Southern Wild | The White House
The impossible has always seemed possible and that is solely a result of all the great teachers and learning experiences I have been exposed to along the way.
So -- and I want to thank all the teachers and the faculty, the staff who are here, because I know that you guys put your heart and soul into doing this great work.
The scheme for children from nursery age upwards will follow the model established on that scheme of having all the teachers and assistants in the schools involved learning the language to be taught, rather than bringing in specialist teachers.
Then you shift gears and blame the teachers unions for protecting bad teachers that ought to be fired and dig into the all-too-deep trough of anecdotal evidence to dredge up a few examples of really bad teachers that were hard to fire.
The school board, superintendent, principals, and the select teachers running the pilot all saw the potential, were willing to throw out everything they knew about how schooling worked, and make the leap.
No single person can train all the math and science teachers we'll need to equip our children for the future, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores.
Tighter budgets, less resources, and more students make it hard for administrators and teachers to meet all the priorities of students with disabilities.
FORBES: Special Education Advocates Hopeful for More Resources Via the American Jobs Act
And you have to hire all these teachers along the way and pay for all the laboratory facilities and all that, but there's nothing more important.
BBC: News | Monitoring | President Clinton on Shanghai radio phone-in
Starting in 1981, Mischel sent out a questionnaire to all the reachable parents, teachers, and academic advisers of the six hundred and fifty-three subjects who had participated in the marshmallow task, who were by then in high school.
Ms. SUREN KORENE HASSAN (Student, Basra University): (Through Translator) All the students and teachers were afraid of them.
It covers a wide range of occupations: software engineers, shopkeepers, teachers and all the manifestations of economic complexity.
These teachers and all the other individuals and groups across the country who are supporting our troops and their families are showing all Americans that there are countless ways to help -- some large, and many small, but all important.
The project has been carried out during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 school years and was aimed at all teachers open to participating in a creative activity on the theme of water and science with their Primary or early Secondary school classes.
In total, women make up three-quarters of registered teachers - which includes all state school teachers and also teachers in the independent sector who choose to register with the GTCE.
Only then can we harness the universal desire of teachers and parents to ensure that all children can access the high-quality educational experiences they need to lead productive lives filled with unlimited opportunities for success, discovery and learning.
The Symposium concluded with a discussion on teachers and HIV in the Education for All (EFA) agenda, and included consideration of how these issues could be better addressed through the International Task Force on Teachers for EFA and the EFA Global Monitoring Report.
Instead they argue that there should be a substantial pay rise for all teachers which will raise morale and help to tackle the difficulties in recruiting new teachers.
We are making COBRA 65 percent cheaper so Americans don't lose their health care coverage if they're out there looking for work. (Applause.) We are saving the jobs of teachers and police officers that Americans rely on all across the nation.
From my husband right on down through the ranks of this military, from those powerful CEOs to all of the teachers, clergy, and neighbors that you deal with every single day.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at West Point Graduation Banquet | The White House
Save the states a few billion dollars a year in fees and expenses by converting to all index funds, and save a few thousand teachers along the way.
"One of the key areas where common sense and the practical, day-to-day experience of teachers all over the country has been sacrificed on the altar of political targets is discipline, " she said.
By the end you were half expecting LaPierre to start talking about arming teachers or going all the way and letting kindergartners conceal carry.
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Although many initiatives have been launched in both the public and private sectors, there has been a lack of consistency, integration, regulations and, most of all, capacity to respond to the specific needs of schools and their teachers in their day to day work.
In any case, the notion that critics of contemporary reforms simply want to defend all teachers no matter what and stick like glue to the status quo is simply untrue.
The sessions explored topics of race, class and real and perceived lines of differences, all topics that are pertinent to both new and current teachers in the landscape of our public schools.
WHITEHOUSE: I Love You Too Much to Let You Fail: A Path to Transformational Change | The White House
And that, I think, is one of the ways we can honor all these beautiful children and incredible teachers who were lost this past Friday -- by building a future that is equal to their dreams, and delivers on the dreams of children all around the world just like them.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at the Diplomatic Corps Reception
This need is especially acute in poor and minority communities, where attracting the best and brightest teachers and having sufficient resources to nurture all students is at crisis levels.
FORBES: How We Can Use Technology To Transform The Classroom
All participants of the seminar observed one minute standing silence to give respect and thank all their teachers.
"Viewers who watched the programme, shoppers who were then fed the lie, sourcing experts who believed the lie, teachers and pupils who viewed the programme in lessons, have all been badly let down, " a spokesman said.