• Turns out the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved of antibiotics back in the 1950s, and the first report linking antibiotic resistance and antibiotic use in livestock followed soon after in the 1960s.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Thanks to this, we can currently track outbreaks of infections and trends in antibiotic resistance.

    BBC: Condoms

  • New Dehli Metallo-beta-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) is thought to have emerged in India where poor sanitation and antibiotic use have helped resistance spread.

    BBC: Analysis: Antibiotic apocalypse

  • Based on historic data, there have been no discernible trends or patterns found between antibiotic resistance and the numbers reported in each group.

    CNN: What government tests found in your meat

  • Dr Alan Johnson, of the Public Health Laboratory Service's antibiotic resistance monitoring and reference laboratory, said the study confirmed data from previous research.

    BBC: Nursery

  • However, Dr Duckworth said the case underlined the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, and emphasised the problems associated with over-use of the drugs.

    BBC: New superbug found in UK

  • It's a fact that two strains emerged which tells us this is more frequent than we realise and it is driven by antibiotic resistance.

    BBC: C. diff spread 'fast and easy'

  • The Chief Medical Officer, Prof Sally Davies, said the levels would be so low as not to represent a health risk, although she is deeply worried about the long-term threat of antibiotic resistance in the human and animal world.

    BBC: Horsemeat - food fraud, not food safety

  • But the spread of antibiotic resistance is not only the fault of demanding patients and obliging or irresponsible physicians.

    FORBES: Private Physicians Drive Up Antibiotic Resistance, Helped Along By Patients

  • But these new drugs, which are being developed by French drug giant Aventis and tiny Cubist Pharmaceuticals , are not going to solve the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.

    FORBES: Antibiotic Breakthroughs Fall Short

  • Infection by MRSA bacteria is increasingly common in hospitals, and there have been cases of bugs which show resistance even to vancomycin, an antibiotic traditionally regarded as "the last line of defence".

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Hospital infections: Case studies

  • The American Health Institute, the association that represents large agriculture and pharmaceutical industries, supports the NARMS monitoring program as "it provides an important early warning system on the potential for the emergence of antibiotic resistance bacteria, " said Ron Phillips, vice president for legislative and public affairs, in an e-mail.

    CNN: What government tests found in your meat

  • The American Health Institute, the association that represents large agriculture and pharmaceutical industries, says it supports the NARMS monitoring program as "it provides an important early warning system on the potential for the emergence of antibiotic resistance bacteria, " said Ron Phillips, vice president for legislative and public affairs, in an e-mail.

    CNN: What government tests found in your meat

  • Antibiotic resistance already kills around 100, 000 Americans, 80, 000 Chinese and 25, 000 Europeans a year, according to figures from the past four years, which are likely to be an underestimate.

    CNN: How hubris put our health at risk

  • Staphylococcus aureus is the bug responsible for many hospital infections, and scientists are worried that some strains were acquiring high levels of resistance to virtually every available antibiotic.

    BBC: Breakthrough in 'superbug' battle

  • Alcohol gels or wipes and antibacterial soap work, too, but there's a chance that antibacterial soap contributes to antibiotic resistance, so it makes sense to avoid it.

    CNN: How to combat the latest supergerms

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