But just the past the stationery store, if you close your eyes and breathe deeply, you'll swear you're in Bombay, or Saigon or Morocco.
NPR: A Tour of Chicago's Spice House
The few occasions I saw her pause she would put a hand over her eyes, breathe in and out deeply, and that was when I would know she was exhausted.
NEWYORKER: The Pura Principle
Tell yourself, "this is not my stress, " and try the same techniques recommended for stress-reactive people: Breathe deeply from the diaphragm and try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
WSJ: When Your Partner Overreacts to Stress
At every turn, you're encouraged to slow down, breathe deeply, and practice "mindfulness"--i.e.
FORBES: Miraval, Tucson
That posture makes it hard to breathe deeply with the abdominals and diaphragm, and leads to nasal-sounding voices.
FORBES: How You Can Profit From The Massachusetts Gubernatorial Race
"American voters care deeply about the quality of the air they breathe and the water they drink, and they overwhelmingly support candidates who share those concerns, " said Deb Callahan, president of the LCV Education Fund.
CNN: Environment is crucial issue for voters, poll shows