• Breathe out and repeat with the other nostril, experts say.

    CNN: Why people swear by the neti pot

  • The few occasions I saw her pause she would put a hand over her eyes, breathe in and out deeply, and that was when I would know she was exhausted.

    NEWYORKER: The Pura Principle

  • Breathe out distractions and bad feelings.

    WSJ: Review of Tink�� and HeartMath Inner Balance Sensor for iOS

  • Let her breathe for a second and adore the heck out of you (and maybe brush her hair and put on a nicer outfit) before the world whisks her away for Facebookable pictures.

    CNN: What's with public marriage proposals?

  • Since 2010, the Zambezi has offered an alternative safari experience: instead of staying in a lodge at night and venturing out into the gameparks in jeeps by day, travellers eat, sleep and breathe the life of the floodplains.

    BBC: Safari by water in southern Africa

  • But then, when I stroked him gently a couple of times, the baby opened his eyes, began to move, and began to breathe -- about a minute after he was out.

    CNN: Delivering my son: 'Breathe, baby, breathe!'

  • Step 1 to 3 can be well practiced by using your mind, but when it comes to Step 4, take time for yourself, breath in and out, notice any discomfort in your body and breathe into this discomfort which is often experienced as coldness, stiffness, numbness, prickle, tightness etc.

    FORBES: 5 Steps To Transform Your Life - Step 4

  • The patient, who prefers to be anonymous, is finally able to breathe through her nose, smell, eat solid foods and drink out of a cup, Siemionow told participants of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago over the weekend.

    CNN: The story

  • And then with regard to the EPA, which is often under siege but is responsible for ensuring that the air we breathe, that our children breathe when they run out on the soccer field is clean and that the water they drink is clean and not harmful, do really important work.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Toxic particles in cigarette smoke can remain on nearby surfaces, as well as the hair and clothing of the smoker, long after the cigarette has been put out, and small children are susceptible because they are likely to breathe in close proximity, or even lick and suck them.

    BBC: Warning over 'third-hand smoke'

  • When the tide is out, bacteria that use oxygen, called aerobic bacteria, can breathe and flourish.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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