General Electric's recent announcement is part of a massive shift in the corporate community, which increasingly believes it's not only important to address the issue of climate change because it protects the planet or because it protects their reputation and prevents risk, but because it can make them profits.
Sensitive Compartmented Information is information that not only is classified for national security reasons as Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential, but also is subject to special access and handling requirements because it involves or derives from particularly sensitive intelligence sources and methods.
It is not because cyberspace it is distant or foreign, but because it is all around us and we are part of it.
Blue and yellow tones work effectively but not red or green because of canine colour-blindness.
Not better generals and or a higher moral ground, but because of better infrastructure, including a more developed rail system and the use of the nascent telegraph to communicate with commanders in the field.
FORBES: Jobs of the Future: Why the Political Class Should Read Michael Saylor's "The Mobile Wave"
It was the first time since the original Nintendo Entertainment System came out in 1985 that videogaming felt like a party experience--not just because it was new, and worth gawking at, but because the experience is so much more physical, like Charades or Twister, and spectators can enjoy as much as the players.
Between 15 and 20 vaccines, as many as are currently in clinical trials, were tested between 1987 and 2000 but were dropped because they were either unsafe or ineffective.
The dogs were clinically dead, with no heartbeat, respiratory functions, or brain activity, but their tissues and organs were perfectly preserved because the procedure lowers the body temperature to about 50 degrees F.
But a lot of them come back and reengage because they read something or run into someone they know who uses it, and it clicks.
They told them how the gods behaved, not out of idle curiosity or because these tales were entertaining, but to enable men and women to imitate these powerful beings and experience divinity themselves.
And - but Earl Green could never sell his paintings because to an art dealer or a gallery owner, they just looked like psychedelic art from the '60s and they really didn't have much else going for them.
Petersen and his staff know they are successful not because they play on a blue field or that they find overlooked talent, but rather because each and every individual within their organization believes in the same concept of greatness.
FORBES: Boise State Football And The Blueprint For Organizational Greatness
During the first half of this year, Korean businesses, including the chaebol, have recorded the most profitable period in all of their history-not because of radical change towards rationalization and streamlining of their business management or any breakthrough in their technology development, but because of successful government policies.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Inteview: 'I Agonize Over Suffering North Koreans'
Can everybody please give Lisa a big round of applause for that great introduction? (Applause.) Not only does she deserve a great introduction -- or applause because of the introduction, but also having three kids and one more coming -- (laughter) -- that deserves some applause. (Applause.) To all the moms out there. (Applause.) That is some work.
And in one sense it was true, but not just because of the scale it achieved or the technical genius it displayed.
FORBES: YouTube Symphony's Encore: Technical Genius, Human Reverence
During the cold war, African governments, acting as proxy for one side or the other, often backed rebel movements but they rarely crossed borders and never because of an internal issue.
In financial services and health care there is a strong move toward providing tablets to staff who deal with customers or patients, but they want Microsoft devices because of concerns about regulation and security.
FORBES: Windows 8 Enterprise Adoption Will Be Segmented By Users - Avanade
And, of course, the people who go to the theaters buy tickets, and that's interesting, but of limited interest because the people who go next week or the third week are the people who may be an influence whether the movie is good or bad.
But the Skhul and Qafzeh people are generally thought to have died out or retreated south, perhaps because of climatic fluctuations.
But while these could exacerbate the symptoms - because they might rub the bunion and cause pain or blistering - they do not cause it.
As the Journal noted this week, the Japanese auto makers now face a run for their money in America because other manufacturers offer comparable or better quality and features for a similar, but not necessarily lower, price.
When it comes, for example, from the West, everybody will start talk--well, this is an American story and--but when it comes from our television or our actors, it's completely different because it gives the story more credibility.
States are supposed to make mental health records available to the federal background check system and receive more generous Justice Department grants if they do, but many provide little or no such data because of privacy concerns or antiquated record-keeping systems.
None of Mr Drucker's statistics or stories is new, but they bear repeating because they are unjust, unintended and easily remedied.
The distinctions between technology and globalisation count, if only because people tend to welcome computers but condemn foreigners (whether as competitors or immigrants).
ECONOMIST: Globalisation and the rise of inequality: Rich man, poor man | The
They've got the choice of an iPad, or Surface... or Surface Pro -- but you can't buy one and switch to the other, because they run different versions of Windows, except they look the same.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Engadget on Microsoft's new Surface tablet line
"When I travel to away matches, there's about 200 or 80 of us but on Monday, because of the time of the game and the location I thought I wouldn't find more than five or six people there, " he said.
In some cases over the last year or so, prosecutors and securities regulators have undertaken investigations, but such cases are tough to prove because in the end these valuations are opinions, often signed off on by third-party valuation consultants and auditors.
FORBES: Will SEC's Settlement In Valuation Case Be Part Of A Trend?
But in the past 15 years, despite (or perhaps because of) the emperor and the government's best efforts, bass fishing has become the new Elvis in Japan, especially among the country's youth, where the sport has tapped into all of the outlaw, counter-culture character (and growth) that skateboarding has in the U.S. Japan-based tackle manufacturers, like Yozuri, Shimano and Daiwa , now supply bass anglers all over the world.
The cause of death could have been the result of a fungal infection or animal damage, but because there was no obvious cause, she increasingly suspects drought and heat stress.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Climate threat has plants quivering