Shirky, however, was referring to a different and by now largely forgotten meaning of the word.
And by now, brands that do that, should pretty much know what to expect regarding sales, revenue, and share.
The railway traffic had never amounted to much, and by now there were only a couple of trains a month.
Egypt finished the game in style, passing the ball around beautifully and toying with a stretched and by now demoralised Cameroon side.
Greek-Cypriot hoteliers and builders are looking to Turkish-Cypriots to fill a worsening labour shortage in the faster-growing and by now very much richer south.
ECONOMIST: Is there still a chance for a settlement in Cyprus?
While it cannot be categorically ruled out, most advisors think of such stock tips as rogue, and by now you know their opinion on those.
FORBES: Three Things Most Investment Advisors Don't Tell You
And by now, we know how that story goes.
FORBES: Just Went From Twitter Clone To A Scale Model Of Something Much, Much More
And by now, all indications are that he's ready to wrap things up, and we wait to see what he is going to come up with, if anything, in terms of charges and indictments.
Even though public opinion is shifting, and by now nine states have affirmed a right for same-sex couples to marry, proponents would prefer that a federal constitutional right be created by the U.S. Supreme Court.
FORBES: The Supreme Court Should Leave How We Marry To The States
But the robust American, also the victim of meaty challenges from Danny Gabbidon and Scott Parker and by now sporting a shiny bump by his left eye, dusted himself down to notch an opening goal that Green was powerless to prevent.
The result of robust exports and weak imports linked to anemic domestic spending is its perennial current account surpluses, which, along with earlier high saving by households and now by businesses, allow it to finance its huge government deficits internally, with foreigners owning only 5%.
FORBES: Is The U.S. Economy Turning Japanese? Gary Shilling's View
But then time and more time went by, and now my original crime was compounded by the crime of not telling her about it for so many years and things were too complicated and I couldn't tell her the truth.
Mr Lieberman is drawing voters away from the Likud, which means a narrowing of the gap between the Likud and Kadima, the centrist party founded in 2005 by Ariel Sharon and now led by Ms Livni.
But I do think a Mars commercial shuttle might be up and running by now.
This was accurate as criticism, but also reflexive and perhaps by now even misleading as policy.
Traditional Wi-Fi venues like hotels and airports have well-established networks and providers by now, explains Hagan.
FORBES: The Next Big Wi-Fi Markets: Malls, Restaurants, Stadiums
Under Tsipras' leadership, and invigorated by now including the entire left, except the traditionalist KKE, Syriza grew the far left's vote from 3.3% to 5.6% in the 2007 election - giving it 14 MPs.
Some argue that the uncertainties caused first by the prospect of war and now by the conflict itself are the only obstacle to a sustained recovery.
"For a fire to keep on burning late into the night, you need the logs to catch, and the world's economic firewood has long since been soaked by oversupply and feeble demand now exacerbated by a post-bubble psychology discouraging risk taking, " observes Gross, who still believes stocks are overvalued.
The other is counter-insurgency (COIN), championed first in Afghanistan by the sacked General Stanley McChrystal and now by General David Petraeus, the new commander there.
She has been interviewed by officers and is now being comforted by family members.
BBC: Norfolk Broads deaths were 'domestic incident' say police
The former Anglo Irish Bank was bailed out by Irish taxpayers and is now controlled by the Irish Banking Resolution Company (IBRC).
Berlusconi, 40, is vice chairman of Mediaset SpA, the Italian commercial television network founded by his father and now owned by the Berlusconi family through the holding company, Fininvest.
On the one hand you have the career-politician, Establishment Republican wing of the party, which was previously led by Charlie Crist and is now led by Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam and State Rep. Scott Plakon.
FORBES: Will Ted Cruz's Primary Victory Finally Awaken Florida's Establishment Republicans?
In most provincial cities, by contrast, basic services and security have by now returned.
They feel menaced by rising crime, dirty air, and now by spiralling prices for vegetables.
And as you know, this was a case that ultimately was found to have no legal or factual merit, and it was dismissed by the judge and it has now been settled by the parties.
The rebels conceded the loss of 1, 300 fighters - male and female - by the end of April and diplomatic estimates suggest by now they may have lost 1, 600.
The leading contender in this new field is POGO, founded by former People Express entrepreneur Don Burr and Burr's son Cameron and now led by ex-American Airlines CEO Robert Crandall.