But he imagined it all being done using microfilms and electric sensors and mechanics because he didn't have computers and he didn't have the internet then, and then Ted Nelson invented the idea of hypertext.
Even areas where we didn't win and didn't win by large margins four years, we have offices and staff.
Eisenberg and Feinstein didn't even have titles until 1992, and they didn't name any vice presidents for another three years.
But it seems that the Egyptian government and the Malian government - because this has been going on for what? seven years - didn't get their act together and didn't get their citizens online to vote.
The meetings between the NFL and the attorney general's office were informational and cooperative, and the league wasn't facing any charge and didn't need to agree to the measures.
In the 2007 poll, Mason-Dixon found that slightly more than half the respondents didn't feel vulnerable to hurricanes and didn't have a disaster plan.
Those 'quotes' of mine are in quotes and the author didn't call me and fact check, and it just didn't happen.
India didn't even have TV until 1959 and didn't get color TV until 1982.
Their parents didn't understand their music either, and didn't support their music, and they thought that, oh, my goodness, why is my daughter gyrating like that and started doing the twist.
You know, why wasn't it any one of us that, you know, lived a life that wasn't pure and innocent and didn't do everything they could to take care of their mom, like he'--and--I don't know.
"(Lynn) didn't know her age, she didn't know her address, she didn't know her phone number and she didn't even know her name, " Smith said.
Maybe they didn't -- maybe they filled unserious ones and didn't fill serious ones.
The deals were structured so that Cnooc didn't get an ownership stake in Chesapeake itself and didn't control production.
These men didn't steal anything -- they certainly didn't kill anyone -- and they didn't break any laws, but their "crime" was almost worse.
Boeheim said his team lost because it couldn't handle Gardner and didn't rebound well, in addition to the free throw disparity.
Obviously we didn't win and that didn't make me feel any better.
The group said its auditors aren't building engineers and didn't take the state of the building into account when they conducted the checks.
WSJ: Bangladesh Factory Lacked Building Permits, Officials Say
Vanessa Sproul, a student from North Carolina studying history in Rome said the pick wasn't progressive enough and didn't represent a "bold" move.
When told Brodeur spoke about it, Clarkson laughed, insisting his shot wasn't even hard and didn't make much noise hitting off the goaltender's mask.
Mr. Cuomo famously refused to sit for his official portrait, explaining over the years that he wasn't patient enough and didn't like the idea of looking at himself.
WSJ: Reluctant Mario Cuomo's Portrait Will Finally Be Displayed in Albany
Y. (AP) Brooks Orpik's goal would have been memorable even if wasn't in overtime and didn't put the Pittsburgh Penguins into the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Certainly it wasn't easy, and didn't happen without a handful of improbable occurrences and some help along the way (thanks Baylor and Stanford.) As talented as Alabama is, Notre Dame has been at least as fortunate.
Mr. Cayard didn't take questions during a brief news conference Thursday evening and didn't return telephone calls.
The Pacers didn't let the Knicks get away from them on fast breaks, didn't let the Knicks get good 3-point looks and didn't even give New York a chance to challenge late.
Ms. Ingram and Ms. Lerner haven't responded to requests for comment in recent days and didn't immediately respond to requests on Sunday.
Perhaps some drivers hadn't changed their routes and didn't realise they no longer had to pay.
Covelli wasn't in his office and didn't immediately respond to an email message seeking comment.
The baby was born to a mother who hadn't had prenatal care and didn't know her HIV status.
Early on, senior Democrats were mumbling that he wasn't an exciting candidate and didn't have what it took to win.
It's just not on that someone who wasn't born into privilege and didn't go to a posh school can enjoy their wealth.