If somebody just drives up into your driveway and you're not home -- you don't know who these people are and you don't know how long it's going to take for the sheriffs to respond.
You make dolls in a toy shop, and you shop for sofas, and, you, I don't know what you do.
Most New Yorkers, much less most Americans, probably don't know this office is here and they don't know what you do.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force | The White House
Or just me and you don't know, and probably me more than you?
But if these don't help--and you don't exactly know what's triggering your symptoms--it's best to see an allergist, he says.
You can express - you can state a goal, you can express a hope, but ultimately you don't want to telegraph to your enemies, and also you don't know what's going to happen between now and then.
You turn up at an incident to help someone and you don't know if you are going into situation where you are going to get assaulted.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Ambulance crews facing violence
And when you go through a temporary service, you have no insurance, no benefits, and, you know, you don't know if you're going to have any - I don't have any insurance at all.
And when you come home from a long day at work, and the refrigerator is empty, and you know you don't feel like cooking -- (laughter) -- the easiest and sometimes the cheapest thing to do is to get in a fast food drive-thru.
You know how a lot of things start and you don't actually know where it came from, but you just go with it?
Finding satellites can be a major pain sometimes, and the signal can drop while you're driving (see video), which could be a major headache if you're on a trip and you really don't know where you're going.
ENGADGET: An Engadget adventure with TeleNav's G1 GPS software: hands-on, impressions, and video
If you don't know the players and you don't the people that you're dealing with, then you're not going to solve the crime.
Mr. VERRALL: But, yeah, I mean - but it really comes down to, it doesn't really matter how profitable it is, but - and if you don't eat it, you know, it's sort of a non, you know, issue.
But I mean it's definitely a very cheap and, you know, you don't need some, you know, crazy structures to hold this thing up, so.
And, you know, I don't know if there's a parallel for Bonds unless you want to go all the way back to Jack Johnson.
If you're sitting at the poker table and you don't know who the rube is, it's you.
When your entire sense of self is wrapped up in your work, and that goes away, you don't know what to expect of yourself, and what is expected of you.
Mr. MOTHERSBAUGH: Well, when we do a show now, we're not really--we don't have a new album out, so we're not trying to, you know--we don't come out and do two songs you know and then play an album that you've never heard before, and then do two more songs.
And I don't know if you saw it, but I threw it a little high and a little outside.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Jay Leno at White House Correspondents Dinner | The White House
And we hope that the horses, your sport partner, has to be "on, " and you don't really know that until probably the "friendly, " where we jump a little bit.
They don't argue the merits of the case and say these people, you know, don't really have a right to do this.
But, of course, in science you can never know what you don't know, and so painfully, gingerly, and on occasion delightfully, he tried to anticipate his critics and get his idea ready.
"If you are a very privacy conscious person and you don't want people to know more information about you than you want to give them, then you should be worried about the use of cookies, because they can be used to collect more information about you than you necessarily know about at the time, " she said.
BBC: Beware the cookie monster: a new law aims to protect privacy
So I think for African-Americans, the blogs are becoming a definite way to sort of get that news that the CNNs and other, you know, networks don't necessarily focus on, some of the incidents that, you know, we might not hear about.
And obviously, people, they don't sit back and, you know, peruse the details and the accuracy of this or that statement.
You may not like what he does, and basically I don't, but you know you've seen action after he's finished working you over.
Well, I do not accept a future where the jobs and industries of tomorrow take root beyond our borders, and I know you don't, either.
Because if you get to, oh, I don't know, the middle of Isaiah and you quit, you don't have anything.
NPR: Making Peace With The Bible By Writing It Out Word For Word