Try to get paid for what you do, and don't worry if you don't.
"It's a chunk of money that's there, and you don't have to worry about it like you do suppliers, buyers and so forth, " says one Wall Street tax expert.
"It's one of those things where the players are definitely just chess pieces and the general managers are shuffling and moving them around and you don't have a say so you just worry about hockey, " Miller said.
If you are buying and selling listed options then you don't have to lend shares as part of the same transaction and you probably don't have to worry.
He now says he's going to replace Obamacare and assure that all the good things that are in it are going to be in there and you don't have to worry.
Which leaves us roughly where we started--take the 330xi if you want fun and don't need to worry about backseaters too much, and the Infiniti if you've got longer legs, right?
And you don't have to worry that Congress might--as Clinton has urged--do away with Crummey trusts.
"If you can keep those raw ingredients that make up ozone from coming out of the tailpipes and the smokestacks, then you don't have to worry so much about cleaning it up later on, " adds Nolen.
"There will be a place for you to stay and you'll be working with the staff people with the Center for Community Change and other national groups, so you don't have to worry about setting up appointments or doing any of that, " Szakos said.
Best of all, you don't have to worry about entering a product tracking code every time you download and install a copy on a computer.
If the episode is isolated and nothing else happens, I don't think you have much to worry about.
And they're saying, look, you don't have to worry about these problems, because the information that you would send by paper would be something that would end up being put into a computer program anyway.
And he said don't worry, we aren't going to accuse you, it's probably something very old.
CNN: From Samba to carnival: Brazil's thriving African culture
If you're an investor or a business, looking at the real economy in the US, things look pretty good right now (at least if you're at the top, and don't have to worry about declining real wages, or unemployment).
With the bonds, you don't have to worry about roof leaks and vacancies.
"Microsoft and IBM tell customers 'Don't worry, we'll take care of you'--but then they try to sell them something new, " he says.
Since sun-dried tomatoes don't have any juices left in them, you don't have to worry about liquid seeping out and softening the crust.
WSJ: Martin Picard's Sun-Dried Tomato and Onion Tart | Slow Food Fast
If all of this is a turnoff, if you prefer your celebratory toasts unpretentious and filled right to the brim, don't worry.
You don't have to worry about tracking multiple calendars, contacts and messaging applications -- Synergy seems to think ahead to bring you a more comprehensive and truly representative view of your life.
When trouble grieves you, friends deceive you, oh, don't worry, it will pass over by and by.
They want home-court advantage in the playoffs and perhaps sent a message to the Nets: Don't worry too much about catching that team ahead of you.
And, in leaving his corporate chair empty, Benedict has assured the members of the corporation: Don't worry, you are in Jesus's hands.
Why don't you focus on that? (It was when) the board became more intrusive and began to not worry about the results of the company but their own responsibility and liability that AIG got into trouble.
And to know that it's a disease that you can prevent just by eating more fruits and vegetables and getting exercise, wouldn't you guys -- don't you guys think it would be easier to eat right and run around than to be sick and have to worry about your health?