"Our highest priority is to continue to earn your trust and confidence each and every day, " Bear Stearns wrote in a note to hedge fund clients.
Pipelines uneventfully transport millions of barrels of crude oil, refined products and distillates each and every day, which according to government estimates, accounts for approximately 65% of all energy supplies used on a daily basis.
Our customers already understand that Cisco has the architectures, solutions and services to best help them deliver the business results they need and we are honored to work with them and serve them each and every day.
FORBES: Cisco Q2 Edges Street; Sales $12.098B; Non-GAAP 51 Cents (Updated)
Let me begin by thanking Dr. Jared Cohon, and the entire Carnegie Mellon community, for welcoming me once again, and for the terrific work that he and the administration, faculty and staff do here each and every day.
It's important that we remember what they do each and every single day, and that we continue to provide support to our first responders, our emergency management folks, our firefighters, our military -- everybody who helps secure our liberty and our security each and every day.
And nobody has felt it more than folks back home, and you see it each and every day.
We are proud of what you guys do each and every day. (Applause.) We are proud of what you do each and every day. (Applause.) We need to honor teachers.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Jeb Bush on Education in Miami
If everyone comes out and pitches hard each and every day, I think we can be an exciting group to watch.
All of these things were challenges that he confronted when he was elected and when he took office and which he is addressing each and every day.
It is a tremendous honor and privilege to do this each and every day, to serve and to take part in days like today that are so momentous.
These families are the backbone of America -- they're the ones who built this country, and made it great -- you -- and keep this country going each and every day.
And that's to equip you properly, and make conditions safer for each and every one of you every day you step into harm's way -- each and every one of you.
Also in our thoughts and prayers tonight are the men and women in uniform who put their lives at risk each and every day for our safety and freedom. (Applause.) So in that spirit, I'd also like to pay a tribute to the journalists who play an extraordinary role in telling their stories.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Jay Leno at White House Correspondents Dinner | The White House
But one of our favorite things is always coming to the base on Christmas Day and having a chance just to meet you, those of you who have families here, and to say thank you for the extraordinary work and service that you guys do each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Servicemembers on Christmas
Middle class Americans are the ones who built this country, made it great, and keep it going each and every day.
And that, my friends, is what can happen with a network that is not seeded, nurtured and tended to, each and every day.
And Senator Brown and Congresswoman Kilroy and others, I know this is their number one concern each and every day.
America is home to inventors and dreamers and builders and creators. (Applause.) All of you represent people who each and every day are pioneering the technologies and discoveries that not only improve our lives, but they drive our economy.
It comes from students and workers and small business owners, and a growing, thriving middle class. (Applause.) It comes from teachers and receptionists and firefighters and construction workers who are helping to build this country each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Boulder, CO
For the men and women in big cities and small towns who fall victim to senseless violence each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Introduces a Plan to Reduce Gun Violence
Having been plunged into a recession, it also means that teachers and firefighters and people who are providing public services each and every day are threatened because tax revenues at the state level and at the local levels have crashed.
And those ideals are what you and all Jewish Americans continue to help us uphold each and every day.
Entrepreneurial Philanthropy is a concept I discuss, and put into practice, nearly each and every day.
And just to give you some sense, these guys are going out on helicopter raids at night with very little support and carrying out extremely dangerous assignments each and every day.
Those are not in keeping with the important bedrock values by which this country was founded and by which its citizens live each and every day of their lives in hopes of something better for those that are here.
Mr. GLANTZ: I was never concerned about my physical safety, but emotionally, it was very draining to go and hear such terrifying stories, almost each and every day.
By doing this both individually and with others around us, on each and every day, I believe that we will start to see the changes that we all are looking for so desperately and desire so much.
FORBES: "Regaining American Exceptionalism" -- Memories of Reagan's Shining City
That difference would be saving lives, and that is what we do at SAVE each and every day.
And it is something that I think about each and every day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Singapore Minister Mentor Lee