There are rogues and there are flubs, however, and even the flubs have been shocking.
There is an indoor pool, free (non-alcoholic) drinks from the minibar and even better, free WiFi.
BBC: Travel - Openings: Beijing, Cura?ao, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, India
Analysts swiftly downgraded the sector and even at the end of last month, downgrades outnumbered upgrades.
Keep in mind, however, that some stocks are deserving of their gains and even more.
It's a hard game to explain, and even harder when it's tangled up with politics.
And even under normal circumstances, many public sector workers retire on pensions higher than their final salary.
It made the blues even more mournful, even more poignant and even more cathartic for anyone listening.
And even if my kids moved out I'd still want them to have contact with this village.
Idle soldiers were usually put to use maintaining roads, building parks, planting trees, landscaping and even collecting trash.
Many internationals come to study, work and even retire here, adding a zest to this already cosmopolitan metropolis.
Bireli is versatile: You'll hear his love for American guitarist Wes Montgomery and even Frank Sinatra.
This south-facing slope gets day-long sunshine, and even at 1, 700 metres up, grapes still thrive.
Liz Taylor is not his style, and even Lana Turner's smile is something he can't see.
The moving icons, layout and even the font all conspicuously belong to a pre-iPhone generation.
When World War II broke out, he declared himself a pacifist, and even fled to America.
WSJ: The Sounds of Sacrifice | Benjamin Britten | War Requiem | Masterpiece by Stuart Isacoff
And even if you never plan to set foot in a Corvette, you should be glad.
WSJ: 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray: Drive All-American | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
They took down the billboard and even had some fun on Twitter replying to comments.
Bad employees can harm the morale, effectiveness and even the connection others feel with the organization.
And even on Thursday, before Game 5, Battier was still a topic of Pacer discussion.
Every improvement is likely to make interaction with machines more fluid and even emotional.
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This system is said to scale better than Isilon and 3PAR and even the EMC XTremio.
FORBES: Explosive Growth in Flash Memory Enterprise Applications
One that keeps companies like Panasonic and even Sony slightly left out in the cold.
FORBES: Google Takes Aim At A Content Platform Strategy With Not One But Two New Gadgets
They said they favored deregulation and privatization and even proposed a modest tax cut.
And, while dingoes are largely harmless, they have been known to attack humans and even kill.
And even though we know better, we buy those things that are bad for us anyway.
FORBES: As Hostess Folds, Congress Thinks of New Ways To Kill Snack Food Industry
And even at this early juncture, we can be reasonably confident that about the marketing claims.
FORBES: Microsoft's Kinect For Xbox One: What It Can Do And Why It's Special
And even if you have hired the right people, they are struggling right now.
FORBES: It's Time For Business Leaders To Embrace Customer Intelligence
And even dinner dates that go well probably should end sooner than they do.
The move could radically transform the way we exchange money with friends, family and even businesses.
And even if there is trouble, the airport is on another island, so no trouble.