If Seru had played in the match there is a danger he would have ripped the adductor muscle and then it's evenmoreseriousand we were right not to play him.
Most important, the acquittal has arguably evenmoreserious implications for the rule of law, and the democratic process, than the paralysis brought about by the fuel blockade.
"This serious deterioration of the situation threatens evenmore the stability and integrity of Mali and constitutes a direct threat to international peace and security, " the council said.
Nonetheless and as will be made evenmore acute by recent events in the energy sector, Israel confronts serious deficiencies in access to project financing for large-scale infrastructure.
But, despite this broadening of the issue and what most experts argue is unequivocal scientific proof that we need to act immediately to avoid evenmoreserious consequences, so far activists agree that the necessary changes aren't coming nearly fast enough.