The easterners (and I ended up in Russia, employing people as far east as Novosibirsk at one point) had to concentrate on that elegant and compact code.
That went and I ended up sleeping rough in York and I progressed into the criminal scene, and ended up in a real mess.
My life became violent and I ended up living in a boat on the river.
Ms. RANDALL: And I ended up moving in at another friend's house.
I've had a few of those myself and sometimes I've ended up in the stands as a result of that cordial discussion.
He served for the match at 5-4 in the third and I ended up beating him 7-5 in the third.
Eventually I lost everything and ended up living in a cardboard box near skid row in L.A., shunned and a goner.
It turned out I had a rare virus that had attacked the muscles in my heart and as a result, I ended up having major heart surgery -- bypasses of five arteries.
And so I ended up with losing my right leg below the knee and fusing my back for three levels in my lumbar and my neck is still messed up.
She settled in on the clothing and I ended up over a pile of contractor tools.
FORBES: Cashing In On Craigslist: How I've Saved Thousands Of Dollars Buying Used
And yet, in spite of all of that, I somehow ended up a newspaper editor.
FORBES: Life Swap: I'm Trying to Break Into TV Writing (Part I)
On a slightly smaller scale, I once went to change a single light in my kitchen and ended up replacing literally every bulb in the house with brand new LEDs.
For instance, there was a 53-year-old surgeon who cut his hand while he was doing surgery on, if I recall correctly, on abdominal cancer in a woman, and he ended up with a tumor of his hand that came from the woman's own cancer.
The original four vault hunters return eventually, and we learn things that were only hinted at before, like Mordecai, the sniper I played in the original game, is a huge alcoholic and ended up dating Moxxxi winning the Underdome.
My purpose in going to Niagara was to think about nature, and I ended up obsessed with human things.
And I think there were a lot of people out there that, you know, ended up getting stuck in positions we didn't want to be in.