And I found out that my identity is not something given, I mean something that cannot change.
"I did some research on this before coming here, and I found out that her claim was fraudulent, " he says, sitting in the front room of his spartan home.
In Africa, it is a different story, as my colleagues and I found out in 2006 when we re-opened a rural health center in Rwanda that had been essentially abandoned.
"I started listening and what I found out is that there are some similarities, " Chestnut says.
In bed I tried to check my email and twitter but I found out that 3G and GPRS aren't working.
And then I found out that I liked almost being like a tailor.
And then I came here and found out, oh, my gosh, you need insurance -- you need this, you need that -- which I could never afford on the salary I make.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks with Virginia Families on the Economy | The White House
And then, I found out that I could subscribe to the small, but important HR application as a service from a software company.
And even before I found out about that person, it's always bothered me when I hear stuff like that on the news and different - it really, really hurt me a lot.
"The other people found out and I told them myself that I had breast cancer, " said Taylor.
But ultimately I gave that up and found the Pillsbury pre-made dough that I roll out and decorate with my children.
FORBES: Plan Your Holidays Now, Maximize Joy, Minimize Stress
And I found an artist that had carved out a niche within one of these buildings.
And Christian Jarret, from whom I found out about this essay, has collected even more scientist rock bands.
Controlling specific groups of units is important from a strategic perspective and I found myself juggling ships in and out of groups too often.
And by spending a little time, and getting the right advice, I found out that I could be a lot more productive with my BlackBerry too.
For instance not so much recording Dylan - and I recorded Randy Newman, one of the first people who did record his songs, and I found and recorded many, many of - well, Leonard Cohen came to me to find out whether I thought he was a songwriter, which I thought was peculiar for a monk not to know.
And I heard somebody groaning and found this old guy, and we dug him out and helped him out to a safe area.
"I found out about nanotubes and then I came across some MIT research into nano-manufacturing, " he explained.
And what my colleagues and I have found is that they all grow out of one key truth: The world does not always have to be as it is today.
When my family and I toed our way through the Boundary Waters of the northern reaches of Minnesota, my brother and I found a stand of pitcher plants growing out of a moldering mat of reeds and moss, and because of this book, I had the theory of ecological succession right in the front of my brain.
I've also learned that no matter where you go, you can always find people who share your values and mind-set -- my swaps worked out well because I found a community that was as curious, trusting and adventurous as I am.
"I found out there are more people that do the things I do, and some do more, " he said.
"I thought I was doing the right thing, and found out otherwise, " she says.
On the eleventh, I went out to check on it and found the boxes on the ground.
By then, I had found out who Borges was, and my second letter was full of contrition and pleas for forgiveness.
But there was one finding that I found genuinely out of step with reality and it has yet to be adequately discussed.
FORBES: When It Comes To Obama And The Sequester, The Public Has Got It Wrong
This manager found out that I work best independently and that I need a window so that I can see the sky.
I--my interview was on the 9th, and I don't remember right now--I know I've testified to this--whether I found out that afternoon or it was on Monday that I got the informal offer.
CNN: Transcripts from video deposition of Lewinsky, Jordan, and Blumenthal
It handles excellently, as I found out when I was steering around rickshaws and bicycle messengers.