Vickers's advice is that when you've adopted your stance and are ready to putt, gaze calmly and steadily at the hole (or target spot) for about three counts, bring your eyes back to the ball in one count and fix your eyes on the back (or top) of the ball for two counts.
Feel free to chime in and roll your eyes at my naivete if warranted.
If you are in this group you dumped your money in some big fund and then closed your eyes.
But I also get a better sense when I look at you all in the eyes and hear your stories directly from you.
WHITEHOUSE: Roundtable with the First Lady and Mary's Center Teen Program | The White House
She made her breakthrough with the Grammy-nominated 1996 album All For You, and has since won Grammys for 1999's When I Look Into Your Eyes and her Live in Paris album recorded in 2001.
And the logic goes, if you are able to achieve that, you and your businesses will be successful in the eyes of the accepted status quo.
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The energy level depends totally on this communication and it's 90% in your eyes.
More than any of the other baroque composers, Bach can cause your toes to tap and your eyes to weep all in the same 10 minutes.
Before you jump into retirement, invest the time and money in a second set of professional eyes to look at your numbers, review your investment suggestions, and discuss the pros and cons of different types of investments, ensuring that your vines are long enough, but not too long.
You sit on this chair, close your eyes as it spins, and you have to move your head in a certain direction.
Most models have small liquid-crystal display screens built in, so you can see your shots immediately and discard the ones in which Aunt Zoey has her eyes closed.
With hogels, everyone in the room, and even your own two eyes, see something slightly different.
This makes it easy to browse the Web using Google Chrome without enlarging text, look at detail-rich pictures without having to zoom in, and watch a show without straining your eyes.
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On the light in your eyes when I surrender, and once again our arms intertwine.
In other words, keep your eyes and ears open.
FORBES: The One Thing Marketers Need to Do While They're On Vacation Next Week
Keep your eyes and ears open people because in the coming decade, the horrible myths around Anabolic Steroids will be put to rest and the facts of the amazing benefits will soon be widespread.
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What the author is basically doing is to try to get you to ignore this, but in the end, it comes down to a wealth transfer issue, and all the other arguments are just sand thrown in your eyes.
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As with Sony's portable HDTV offering, the MREAL has two small displays sitting just in front of your eyes -- and also like the Sony (and any similar technology, we'd imagine) certain images take some getting used to -- particular those intended to be up close, with small writing (the dashboard of a car, for example).
ENGADGET: Canon MREAL Mixed Reality headset hands-on (video)
After about 30 minutes in the dark, your eyes will adapt and you will begin to see meteors.
Likewise, we found in another experiment that even having your eyes and ears open and exposed to normal visual and auditory environmental stimuli can diminish the details of visual memories when you try to recall them.
Keep your eyes open, in the USA and in your travels abroad, for how small business owners, small local retailers, and other entrepreneurs are using their iPhone5 or iPhone4 with a Paypal, Square, or Intuit credit card reader.
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Last Jan. 20, I spotted a guy on the New York City subway wearing what looked like Google Glass, which at the time was a mysterious new augmented-reality gadget that looked like a pair of glasses and supposedly put hands-free smartphone tech literally in front of your eyes.
But they also looked him in the eye, and when you were deaf you heard with your eyes.
Rumor has it that the Toy Story poster may have real value in years to come, so keep your eyes open and remember to check for the most up-to-date information on the rapidly changing art market.
As a result, we decided to compile a list of five stocks that you will want to keep your eyes on in the days leading up to, and following, St.
"Really it's just sitting in a quiet posture that's comfortable, closing your eyes and watching your breath, " she said.
There are two reasons why you register a club in the Caymans, for Tax reasons and to keep your business away from prying eyes.
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Magnify the second of these sins, with a wicket, and the definition of Test cricket's deadly sin lies right in front of your eyes.
But just the past the stationery store, if you close your eyes and breathe deeply, you'll swear you're in Bombay, or Saigon or Morocco.
Still, as del Sol understood, it's hard to keep your eyes indoors 180-degree views and floor-to-ceiling windows in the main building take in the majestic (19, 000-plus feet) Licancabur volcano.