"The structure couldn't hold the weight and it couldn't go up there because it's mostly all rocks, " she said.
It hasn't got any character to it and it couldn't be further removed from the beauty of Phillip Island.
And it couldn't access Facebook, Hulu, YouTube or Engadget -- because they didn't exist.
And it couldn't have happened without the vision of the man sitting behind me.
And it couldn't have been done without these men and women leading our military.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs Repeal of Don��t Ask, Don��t Tell
And it couldn't hurt me any worse whether he was the first one or the 50th one, I guess.
"She told me, after consulting a database, that I was restricted and it couldn't be processed for reasons of public interest, " Moya told The Associated Press.
The company realized it would have trouble penetrating the market with the premium Duracell brand, and it couldn't take Duracell down market without eroding the brand's long-term viability.
We tried it then and it couldn't have been easier, logging in while connected to your home network flips the switch based on IP address or MAC address, and then it worked at home or on the go, no password necessary.
As Shiran saw it, Oslo was controversial, and so it couldn't simply be taught in a positive light.
"I read the book when it first came out, and it was obvious it couldn't be a movie, " he said.
But they say because it originated in the Senate, it violates a constitutional requirement that revenue bills first pass the House, and therefore it couldn't become law in its current form.
CNN: Bush tax cut fight could derail Senate small-business bill
"We looked at the Staten Island site when it was offered and decided it really couldn't justify the investment, " he said.
'People left whatever they were doing and ran out of their homes to help launch the lifeboat, but it was very stormy and they couldn't get it launched.
The brakeman fell down outside the cable car as he was pushing it and couldn't get back aboard.
"There was a whole community of doubters looking at their textbooks for inspiration, or perhaps I should say for lack of inspiration, and saying it couldn't be done, " says Friend.
He agreed that Mr Coats had told him that "by way of recompense" Ms Spence said he was to take the caravan in Fife but there was a problem with the landowner and "it couldn't be done".
BBC: Lynda Spence trial: Missing woman 'owed criminals cash'
It was right there for the Nets to take it, and they still couldn't do it.
"He's been pushing it for a bit and just couldn't do it, " Muller said.
He quit midway through his term in the parliament after realising that "that politics wasn't about emotion, it was a much bigger game and I possibly couldn't handle it".
"I had just watched him cross where that bomb was, so I didn't know if he made it through and I couldn't find him, " she said.
And people would look and say, what name is this? (Laughter.) And they couldn't pronounce it, and people wouldn't answer the door.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Tampa, FL
Chandler wasn't clear on why it took the Knicks so long to figure out the defense and why they couldn't do it under D'Antoni.
When it was right overhead and we couldn't hear a sound, it was like you're just awestruck.
Congress couldn't come up with a solution, and it was no real surprise that the supercommittee couldn't either.
State police investigators said they couldn't identify who shot the drone at Wing Pointe, and couldn't prove whether it was an accident, said David Beohm, spokesman for the Pennsylvania State Police.
Once the company saw how the open source drivers were being used, and what they could and couldn't do, it was easier to officially soften its stance.
CNN: How Microsoft learned to stop worrying and love open Kinect
"It's just been incredible and I feel so blessed with it and without the support of my family I just couldn't do it, " she said.