"For those women who are exercising, who are eating well, who are really happy in their work and relationships, they may go through perimenopause and never ever notice it, " Northrup said.
"I am actually 20 years in sport, in boxing, and never ever in 20 years I use my skills outside of the ring, " he said.
You can celebrate the work of your team, but be sure to credit your fans and never, ever publicly trash your detractors, especially if they used to work for you.
So when Apple puts out a mediocre mapping app, that disappoints me and everyone else, then Tim Cook has to get down on bended knee and apologize to me, and promise never ever to do that again.
And, they never ever acknowledge a small exploration company as a thought leader in exploration.
She said that 10% of the unclosed cases were probably dead, and some would never ever be found.
It's like if Batman was a real human being and you could go out anywhere, and they never, ever revealed their true face to the public.
And customers can never ever be criticized for shopping elsewhere.
"Even our police station has been flooded this evening and that's never ever happened before, so all our police officers had to relocate elsewhere, " he said.
BBC: Flood fears as snow turns to rain and temperatures rise
" Doctors "tend to operate in an independent and isolated way, and even specialists who've been treating the same patient for years and years typically never, ever speak to one another.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Leslie Michelson: Doctor to the 1% (and Maybe Someday to You)
Despite the police investigation being reopened after 16 years and two inquests, the precise cause of the fire has never been established and nobody has ever been charged in relation to the blaze.
BBC: Did the New Cross fire create a black British identity?
"I've been here for some seven years and we've never, ever had an accident along this road, " he said.
The New York Antiquarian Book Fair, held this weekend at the Park Avenue Armory, has more exhibitors than ever and never fails to draw a large crowd.
As we have always strived to be highly attentive to potential security and privacy problems, we quickly patched the issue and took extra precautions to never ever expose raw transaction data again.
FORBES: Blippy Apologizes For Google-Searchable Credit Cards, Announces New Security Plan
If banks benefit from permanent state protection against collapse, then perhaps we need to make explicit that there is a contract between banks and state that they should never ever take steps to reduce their tax burden.
"Lester and Frankie are the greatest ambassadors the sport has ever had and I would never for one moment put myself in the same category as them, " said McCoy.
The Cabinet Office said Parliament was required to seek the consent of the Queen and the Prince of Wales for certain bills and consent had only ever been refused on ministers' advice and never for a government bill.
Because of this dilution, these two banks and perhaps some others will NEVER, EVER, EVER reach their 2007 peak valuation.
At the risk of being repetitive: Tesla has always made its DOE payments on time and has never asked to delay repayment ever.
This article neglects the fact that vast majority of humans (and animals) who ever existed never really had a chance at life at all.
Marshall Shnider says that his are tested twice a week, and moreover that there has never, ever been a case of vibrio from a farmed Pacific Northwest oyster.
Ms Shellam said she had booked the venue with her fiance Thomas Horn in August and said she had "never, ever thought" there would be any problems.
And one more thing: Never, ever look at your watch.
CNN: Bill Schneider: The final debate is all about connecting
Testing for HIV remains a top priority, and thanks to ongoing scientific advancements, finding out your HIV status has never been easier and treatment is more effective than ever.
This guy never talks about it and no one ever talks about it.
FORBES: Adam Carolla on the Occupy Movement, Millennials and Donald Trump
Swift dressed in white top hat, tails, shorts and tall boots during the surreal version of her hummable hit "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" that included a troop of mime clowns and a guy on a tricycle with a flame-thrower attached.
He added that he had "never, ever offered anybody anything", in terms of honours, and had "never" been involved in the process of deciding recipients.