But no matter what we call it, and no matter what happens between the government and Congress this year, this event is just noise for long-term investors.
We will take one game at a time and look at the third game and then no matter what happens then think of the fourth.
We store your files and we want to help you access and use them no matter what happens in the future.
Sonny whispers into the man's ear that if he'll accept Jesus right then and there, no matter what happens, he'll end up in the kingdom of heaven.
CNN: Review: Praise the Lord and pass the editing console for 'The Apostle'
No matter what happens and what has happened, that is something that can't be taken away from me.
"Football just is going to run the ship, no matter what happens, and that's happened, " Boeheim said.
Forget the European debt crisis, America's fiscal wrangling, and Apple's recent stumbles - no matter what happens in 2013, the stock market is going up.
So I want this plenary session to understand, America is going to continue on this course of action to mitigate our emissions and to move towards a clean energy economy, no matter what happens here in Copenhagen.
"No matter what happens, my family and I will face this continuing legal battle as we always have, confident in the truth and with our heads held high in the face of wrongful accusations and unreasonable adversity, " Knox said.
"No matter what happens, Iran did technically change and will shift its course in a great way, " Rashed wrote.
Both PFE and MDT have an enormous tailwind behind them: baby boomers around the world will be consuming more drugs and more medical devices over the next three to five years, no matter what happens in China or Japan.
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No matter what happens we all have the ability to overcome, and on Sunday I pushed my body to new limits and showcased my ability.
QE4 is the best hope for avoiding a recession no matter what happens to the attempt carve out a compromise between cutting entitlements and raising taxes along with plugging loopholes.
Although co-signing a loan can also help build your credit, bear in mind that you and your spouse or other co-signer are contractually obligated to pay off that money no matter what happens.
Being an on-site power system allows users to run independently of the public utility grid, ensuring that, no matter what happens to the grid, a company will not lose power and will continue to operate.
No matter what happens to the economy people will still have to eat, drink, and take their medicines.