Special-forces teams still prowl the nearby badlands, raiding and ambushing suspects, and not long ago American troops were being attacked with rockets daily.
Vos is a champion in track, road racing and cyclocross, and not long ago, BBC Sport writer Ben Dirs made the case that she is the greatest cyclist in the world.
His real name is Iran White, and not long ago I met him for lunch at a Red Lobster in San Jose, where he recounted the unhappy end of his law-enforcement career.
The Brooklyn-born Vasquez is the star of her own reality series La La's Full Court Life (Melo makes an occasional appearance), and not long ago started her own line of beauty products.
People from Sweden, the old rival and not so long ago far richer than Norway, stream in to work.
And recall that not long ago the premium selling prices of prestigious retailers were immune to inroads from e-tailing.
Now in a new book Malkiel moves on to extol the virtues of global portfolio diversification--in index funds and actively managed funds -- at a time when many investors are licking their wounds from Southeast Asia, Russia and, not so long ago, Latin America.
Technological feats such as self-driving cars and voice-recognition and translation programmes, not long ago a distant hope, are now realities.
But I did get this class ring not too long ago, and I hope that this class ring is not going to be more valuable than my college degree.
The designer was looking at a photo album not long ago and happened on a snapshot of her mother, back in France decades ago, in apres-ski attire.
He addressed this not long ago and I think he made an observation that I know he feels deeply, which is that what happened at Penn State is a reminder that institutions have -- individuals and institutions have grave responsibilities to make sure that our children are taken care of and protected.
Because the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) did a study not long ago about the nations with the greatest social mobility, and the list reads shockingly close to the one Chris quoted.
Not long ago China and Russia wanted to put off the whole process.
One has to really go to Mindanao to determine what's there and what was not there not so long ago.
The bus she takes is often cold and crowded, she says, and it broke down entirely not too long ago.
"Maybe this suggests it was wet not so long ago and hasn't penetrated so far into the surface, " said Dr Marty Tomasko, head of the Huygens imaging instrument.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Titan mission 'resounding success'
But we got TiVo not long ago, and discovered the joy of tuning in to programs late, so that we can fast-forward past commercials, and that seems pretty much the ideal way to watch the Oscars.
Moreover, economists and trade negotiators realised long ago that barriers to trade are not confined to tariffs and quotas.
It was not long ago that RIM and Nokia were kings of the mobile world.
FORBES: Apple's Non-Apology Smacks Of Same Arrogance That Took Down RIM, Nokia
We saw how that went not that long ago, and I think the American people would be extremely disappointed if that approach were taken again.
Not long ago, Bitar and Full Tilt would have been dominating the World Series, with many sponsored players wearing Full Tilt patches at the big event.
He says a false birth certificate is a crime that can no longer be prosecuted because it happened so long ago and it does not prove a baby has been stolen.
It was a long time ago and I am not certain but I think the topic was Intel.
FORBES: I Knew Rajaratnam Was A Crook After He Tried To Sell Me Insider Info
Not long ago Americans, Italians and Germans bought more fur goods than anyone.
The most surprising element in the announcement this week of a law suit against former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and Slate Magazine is that it did not happen long ago.
To take a more recent example, Arundhati Roy, India's Booker-prize novelist, not long ago wrote a long and impassioned article in one of India's weekly magazines portraying capitalists, especially foreign ones, as plunderers.
Not long ago only upscale lines and expedition ships ventured to Asia, but over the last decade the largest cruise lines have been steadily sending bigger ships here, including Princess Cruises and Royal Caribbean International.
Not very long ago, Reggie Bush and Matt Leinart had the world at their feet.
Not too long ago, my partner and I were working on a big show that was touring North America.