People I work with think I'm lucky because I'm about to be a father and have nothing to worry about.
In a New York Times opinion piece entitled A Bank Levy in Cyprus, and Why Not to Worry, Andrew Ross Sorkin assured his readers that far from Armageddon the Cyprian banking crisis is unique and therefore nothing to worry about.
Health Minister Hunter Adam said the law will be robust and States members had nothing to worry about.
In the end, manufacturers and retailers may have nothing to worry about.
"The princess is still young at 35, and there is nothing to worry or become desperate about, " maintains Dr. Iizuka Rihashi, one of Japan's leading obstetricians.
Mr. ABBAS: (Through translator) As to how much hope we have, if the basis of the ruling will be the law and justice, then we have nothing to worry about, we will get acquitted.
If the plan is properly priced and well managed with periodic monitoring, the plan sponsor has nothing to worry about.
They noticed she was swelling up and had sores on her skin but were told there was nothing to worry about.
If the episode is isolated and nothing else happens, I don't think you have much to worry about.
Studies contradict each other, and scientists bicker: Some will tell you with great conviction that there's nothing to worry about.
That might be good for some roadside picnic action, but with only 30 minutes of charge and a brick-like form factor it's pretty clear that Novatel Wireless has nothing to worry about here.
Returning to office with no need to worry about reelection and armed with the belief that he has the mandate of the people, nothing can stop him now.
FORBES: American Voters Choose Obama To Lead Us - Down The Road To Ruin