Similarly, you can now link contact cards in the address book, so you can finally go through and organize duplicate contacts with multiple listings easily.
ENGADGET: blogger-avatar
"It's about bringing forward the ideas and the issues and you can now engage in that process to make sure the proposals that go into the consultation are the right ones, " she added.
BBC: Health committee
You can go and look up right now every dollar that's been spent in the Recovery Act.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire
Now you can just go to the site and find the licenses you need and check out your compliance in just a few minutes.
FORBES: 6 More Companies I Liked at Launch Festival
There was 60 venues that you can go dancing to in the Bronx, and now there's only, like, two or three of them.
NPR: The South Bronx Sound, from Mambo to Hip-Hop
Would you get off the phone now so I can find that out and go get him?
WSJ: Keep Your Kids Safe With AT&T
For example, now you can edit a document on the go with Windows Phone 8 and pick right up again on your PC when you get home.
ENGADGET: Microsoft brings guest user account to Windows Phone 8 via Kid's Corner
Fast-forward to now, and, you know - and this strikes me every time I go to Belfast - I just can't believe it.
NPR: Orchestrating Goodwill for Northern Ireland