We tested the Mobile with an iPhone 4 and a touch, and, while the fit wasn't perfect with either device, neither one fell out.
ENGADGET: Ion iCade Mobile and iCade Core review
One reason that it and the airborne laser were shot down was that military planners fell out of love with chemical lasers.
ECONOMIST: Energy weapons: Zap, crackle and pop | The
However, the show fell out of favour with ITV in the early 1990s, and Thames took it to BBC One in 1994.
BBC: Aspel closes big red book
BP, for example, had a disappointing Q2 where production fell, while Exxon Mobil cranked out profits that were based on one-time items and accounting moves.
FORBES: What's Wrong With This Picture? Oil Up More Than 20% As World Stagnates
Actually creating such condensates fell to Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman, of the University of Colorado, Boulder, who made one out of rubidium atoms, and Wolfgang Ketterle, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who did the same with sodium.
ECONOMIST: The 2001 Nobel prizes: Playing catch-up | The
That is a bigger depreciation than the one that occurred after the pound was kicked out of the European exchange-rate mechanism in September 1992 and fell by 18%.
ECONOMIST: The economy after the election