When it comes to herbicides, there is a more substantive difference between chemical and organic farming.
Now Ronald, 49, and Adamchak, 55, have become proselytizers for the marriage of genetically modified foods and organic farming.
Organic farming scores better on biodiversity and soil composition, according to a review of studies comparing conventional and organic farming by Britain's farming ministry.
Participants also recognized the process of building green economies and societies as a source of job creation in sectors such as renewable energy, energy efficiency in buildings and construction, sustainable transport, and organic farming.
Its recommendations included redirecting subsidies to protect the countryside, and increasing organic farming.
Insect-resistant corn containing the BT toxin, derived from a bacterium and used in organic farming, does kill butterflies and other good insects but far less than 1% of them.
Organic and responsible farming has been proven to match or excel the yields generated by GM crops on numerous occasions, while simultaneously rehabilitating and healing the soil.
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"Now conventional farmers are very careful when thinking of converting to organic farming and it will take time to convince them again, " Mr Dosch said.
Worst of all is Pollack's unprofessional decision to quote Charles Benbrook, a paid advocate of organic food and farming (both of which specifically reject genetic engineering).
"Even for a prince who's a long-established champion of organic farming and critic of GM crops, these are comments which verge on the extreme, " our correspondent said.
Indeed, this is a place where you can be inspired about the possibility of a world where organic farming and alternative energy sources help to salvage the fine mess we have made of the planet .
But Megan Kintzer, director of development at the Rodale Institute, an organic farm and research center in Pennsylvania, says that organic farming is a more sustainable system.
CNN: Study: Organic yields 25% lower than conventional farming
"There is less energy use from organic farming, and the conventional systems produce 40% more greenhouse gases, " Kintzer said.
CNN: Study: Organic yields 25% lower than conventional farming
Brazil represents a clear alternative to the growing belief that, in farming, small and organic are beautiful.
Nannie's wayward lifestyle and outspoken views on such newfangled matters as organic farming have had Garnett's nose out of joint for decades.
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Later, there were vintage cars and motorcycles, a state-of-the-art home recording studio, horses, and, the ultimate sign of class ascent, organic farming.
Despite the giant gap in the public mind between organic farming, which bans artificial pesticides and fertilizers, and gene modification, the couple was never exactly star-crossed.
Compounding the unwisdom of current regulation of field trials and commercialization of genetically engineered plants, USDA prohibits them from organic farming.
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Another disadvantage of organic farming is that the diminished yields are wasteful of water and farmland.
FORBES: 'Let's Move' Toward A More Effective Approach To Obesity
And with organic food costing appreciably more than ordinary products, one US cancer specialist said organic farming was a "dangerous delusion".