"Their reputation has compromised their ability to generate cash flow by leasing suites and selling personal seat licenses, " says Carter.
It is a grey area, but there is a difference between selling occasional personal items on eBay and selling for profit.
BBC: NEWS | Business | When does eBay selling become taxable?
Facebook rarely ever consults you before manipulating and selling your personal information.
FORBES: The Nonexistent Facebook Democracy Is Now Gone for Good
During the month, sales of motorcycles--the cheapest and highest-selling mode of personal transport in India--fell 4% to 800, 185 units.
In theory, selling personal insurance and savings products through bank branches is more cost-effective than using networks of agents and brokers.
This was the cornerstone of a new financial-services division, also selling personal loans, insurance and unit-trust investments.
"The testimony was clear and consistent: Simpson was furious" at a third individual whom Simpson believed had betrayed him by selling his personal items, the court wrote when addressing the assault and robbery convictions.
CNN: O.J. Simpson loses appeal in Las Vegas armed robbery trial
But in my view the really abusive thing that has emerged in the revelations over the last week is this tendency for some MP's to so-called 'flip' where they go from one home to the other and they transform themselves from MP's into sharp-suited property speculators doing up homes, selling them for a personal profit and then going onto the next property.
The game allows for 100, 000 combinations of weapons, armour and other personal features, which means one of its big selling points is that a player is unlikely to meet anyone exactly like himself.
They also include banning "referral fees" where companies can profit from selling on someone's personal injury claim and stopping claims management companies from offering money or goods as an inducement to make a claim through them.
He pruned the portfolio, selling unprofitable food brands to distributors and bulking up on personal care.
It comes two days after HP announced it would be selling or spinning-off its Personal Systems Group and immediately stopping production on TouchPads and smartphones.
Not only will you significantly increase the valuation at which you will raise the needed investment, but the demonstrated execution, focus, personal financial commitment and proof that customers will pay money for what you are selling will make securing investment money and the terms that come with it much easier.
FORBES: Entrepreneurs: If You're In It For The Long-Term, Investors May Not Be Into You
Personal selling in general is expensive because of the cost of recruiting, training and motivating staff.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Working Lunch | Lunch Lesson 13 - Advertising
When illegal activity is detected, such as the trading or selling of personal information online, Global ID Protector will notify the subscriber and provide instructions on how to prevent further exposure, fraud and take action to restore their identity.
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Currently, there is an exception for personal jailbreaking (allowing individuals to install unapproved applications by altering the phone's operating system), but developing, selling, trafficking or discussing the underlying technology is still illegal and there are no personal exceptions for tablets or other devices.
And we reported on a 93-year-old man in North Carolina who is selling his personal collection of 30 gigantic windmills to build a local theme park.