"I can see no justification whatever for rejecting the balance of probabilities and substituting reasonable belief, especially in a case involving the liberty of a subject, " he said.
Later Gandhi took steps to ensure such glorious scarcity: His economic program, such as it was, consisted of de-industrialization, withdrawing from technology and substituting the most inefficient labor methods.
David can beat Goliath by substituting effort for ability and substituting effort for ability turns out to be a winning formula for underdogs in all walks of life, including little blond-haired girls on the basketball court.
An arbitrary system like IPAB lacks transparency and oversight, substituting an unelected board for government, without any true checks and balances by Congress.
FORBES: How Do We Responsibly Reform Medicare And Avert the Fiscal Cliff?
Jewelry designers and manufacturers have already been substituting other metals for gold and in some cases mixing metals.
The Formula E cars will be capable of speeds over 200 kilometers an hour, and rather than substituting tire at a pit stop, the driver will change cars instead.
Kvaal says the company can achieve this by substituting some parts and dropping others altogether.
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In the real world, the concept of a token generally refers to the act of substituting something simple and convenient for something more cumbersome or complicated.
FORBES: Tokenization And The Collapse Of The Credit Card Payment Model
In 1993, Kevin Kline starred in a movie titled "Dave, " the story of a temporary employment agency owner and presidential doppelganger who finds himself substituting as the President.
If true, this opens up the possibility that tax havens complement onshore jurisdictions rather than substituting for them, and that the interaction between the two increases total economic activity in the world.
Ferguson later claimed Rooney was feeling the pressure of the media scrutiny he was under before substituting him at Bolton and leaving him out of the Champions League group win at Valencia and goalless draw at Sunderland.
So I created the Mortoni by substituting tonic for the vermouth and vodka for the gin.
To lower calories and heighten the nutritional profile of baked goods, the California Avocado Commission recommends substituting mashed avocado for an equal measure of butter or shortening in muffins, quick breads and even brownies.
WSJ: Avocado Sales Are Rising, as Consumers Buy Into the Fruit as a Source of 'Healthy Fats'
Yet tactics communicated at high volume are not the same as strategy, and Israelis increasingly complain that the former keep substituting for the latter.
Where companies need to be careful in dealing with both compliance and innovation, Kirschner cautions, is when substituting a known toxic substance with an alternative.
FORBES: How International Regulations Are Changing American Supply Chains
In India, Taco Bell and McDonald's are Hindu-friendly, substituting beef for chicken, lamb, potatoes or paneer (Indian cheese).
Micah Hartman, a statistician who works for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, attributed this to more people substituting cheaper generic drugs for pricier patented ones.
The bullish argument has it that the Chinese will find materials cheaper, even if only marginally, and will hence buy more of them: no more substituting plastic tubes for copper ones.
Doctors at the Rizzoli hospital stressed that they also took great care not to ruin the face of the donor, substituting the removed bone with a wax mould, and avoiding making any surface cuts to the deceased's face.
Jeff Bezos has taken this concept to the next highest level, substituting the Internet for the big boxes manned by salespeople and checkout counters.
Absolut has recipes substituting Absolut Wild Tea in a Cosmo (not bad) and a Mojito (that one is tasty actually) and Wild Tea Gimlet, made with fresh lime and simple syrup (good as well).
Another problem is that while this show is patently directed at and created for women, the speakers at the launch event (packed with well-turned-out, influential women) were three dull men and one model who appeared to be recycling her speech from an article she wrote for Vogue, substituting "ball gowns" for summer dresses.
WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: All Dressed Up, But Going Nowhere
Dahl's books are full of the grotesque, from Mrs Twit substituting worms for her husband's spaghetti, to child-eating giants in the BFG, and the hero of Danny the Champion of the World drugging pheasants so that they're easier to poach.
It's always nice to see an old tech stage a comeback and this time it's happening around the coasts of Europe, with nine low-frequency radio transmitters substituting for GPS' satellite-based system. eLoran's radiowave-based system is stronger than satellite signals and less jammable, based on the Loran system that was previously used for shipping navigation by both the British and US navy over 50 years ago.