The initiative aims to educate people about the hazards of conditions such as obesity, and habits such as smoking and drinking.
The Singularity Institute is comprised of scientists, philosophers and philanthropists from places such as the Research Triangle and Silicon Valley, and universities such as Harvard and Stanford, said Michael Anissimov, media director at The Singularity Institute.
Government must act the part, as it has in the United States through necessary laws such as bankruptcy and patent rights, protections through courts, incentives such as tax abatements and enabling bodies such as the Small Business Administration.
Investment superstars and gurus such as Bill Gross of PIMCO and Jeremy Grantham of GMO, and researchers such as Dr. Robert Gordon of the National Bureau of Economic Research, all have predicted anemic growth for the next several years.
FORBES: ZIRP, Zombies And The Japanization Of The American Economy
Mr. RIVERS: Such as orphans and such as the need for clean water, particularly as the religious right becomes more influential in this country and becomes increasingly effective in pushing its own moral agenda with regard to sex and related topics.
This means that pay varies not only between universities but also within them a cause of anguish among the humanists who earn a fraction of the amounts commanded by colleagues in hot sciences such as biotechnology, and specialisms such as finance and management.
Engineers such as Vinod Dham started creating breakthrough technologies such as the Pentium chip, and entrepreneurs such as Kanwal Rekhi and Vinod Khosla co-founded companies like Excelan and Sun Microsystems.
This is a nexus of private-equity and hedge funds, money-market funds and auction-rate securities, non-banks such as GE Capital and new securities such as CDOs and credit-default swaps.
Northern Ireland has a "flags protocol" dating back to the days when Westminster politicians ran matters directly, which includes amongst its objectives removing "paramilitary flags and displays" and "the control of displays of flags and emblems in particular areas such as mixed and interface areas and near buildings such as schools, hospitals, places of worship and community halls".
These include large states such as Texas and Florida, medium size states such as Tennessee and Washington, and smaller states, in terms of population, such as New Hampshire, Nevada, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Alaska.
FORBES: Bobby Jindal Seeks Rich State Status With Income Tax Phaseout
Examples of these resources include oil, natural gas, precious metals (particularly gold and silver), base metals such as copper and nickel, and other resources such as diamonds, coal, lumber and even water.
DuVernay said films such as "Precious" and directors such as Bigelow are anomalies and that the nominations over the past few years have not been incredibly diverse.
This finding is confirmed by 30 years of research, ranging from "behaviorists" such as Robert Shiller and Richard Thaler to "efficient marketers" such as Eugene Fama and Ken French, to "economists" such as John Campbell and myself.
It does not take a genius to infer that the current rally in gold, and silver, including ETFs such as GLD, SLV, GDX and GDXJ and producers such as Silver Wheaton is primarily the result of QE3 aided by statements of Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank.
FORBES: Gold And Silver Seem To Love Mitt Romney But Who Knows Why
The Charlotte region has been a filming location for TV shows such as "Homeland" and films such as "The Hunger Games" and "Talladega Nights, " but advocates said the city could attract more shoots if it had bigger sound stages.
These include large states such as Texas and Florida, medium-size states such as Tennessee and Washington, and smaller states, in terms of population, such as New Hampshire, Nevada, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Alaska.
In such a scenario, UBS favors sectors such as technology, and stocks such as Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Visa, Ricoh, Samsung Electronics and Tokyo Electron.
FORBES: Stocks Are Cheap Enough To Absorb Earnings Downgrades
The seaweed needs to be tested for toxins such as mercury and pathogens such as salmonella.
Republicans such as Newt and Democrats such as New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.
That solar lease financing innovation has spurred an explosion in residential solar installations by Sungevity and rivals such as SolarCity and SunRun even as the economy has sputtered.
FORBES: Citigroup To Fund Home Solar Installations By Sungevity
The impact of this imbalance of supply and demand has affected everyone from industry stalwarts such as First Solar and SunPower to startups such as Solyndra and Abound Solar.
FORBES: Solar Startup SoloPower Undergoes Restructuring, Cuts Workforce
The scheme should encourage wildlife such as lapwings, stone curlews and plants such as Devil's Bit Scabious and wild thyme.
Celebrities such as Colin Ferrell, athletes such as Randy Couture, and moguls such as George J.
There is a clear demarcation between services such as Ecode and Obongo whose designers clearly felt the bar was a justified evil considering the gain in functionality, and services such as and Ezlogin, who did not.
Unlike the original however, this update features primary and secondary missions such as escorting friendly vehicles, eliminating stolen interceptors and reaching goals such as collecting all the satcom icons on each level.
For Dell's growth plan to work, software allies, such as Microsoft and Oracle, and chipmakers, such as Intel and Broadcom, must develop technology that allows switches and routers to be assembled from off-the-rack components--the way PCs and servers have been built for years.
Match your skills and interests to growth areas such as manufacturing and IT in emerging markets such as China, India, Russia and Brazil.
WSJ: Younger Workers Can Jumpstart Careers by Taking Jobs Abroad
Thus Chelsea was the trendiest part of town in the Victorian era, boasting painters such as James Whistler and writers such as Oscar Wilde amongst its residents.
Vaccination rates among adults in California have been dropping in recent years, large due to the influence of anti-vaccination zealots such as Jenny McCarthy and groups such as Age of Autism.
FORBES: Whooping Cough Epidemic: Blame The Anti-Vaccination Movement
The smaller eggs offer a choice of materials, techniques and styles such as carved stones and minerals, as varied as rock crystal, chrysoprase, snowflake obsidian, lavender jade, jadeite, pink opal, rutilated quartz, jasper and turquoise.