His favorite movies are Dr. Strangelove, Do the Right Thing, Annie Hall, Airplane, and Talk to Her.
They cuddle her, let her hang on them or squirm in their laps, lie down next to her and talk to her with different guttural sounds.
She squirmed, rocked back and forth, hopped on and off her chair, changed seats, hit her head and tried to talk to her daddy.
Young men and women ran up to her, kissed her, and asked her to talk to their parents.
So my colleagues in the mines wouldn't talk to me about what was happening because of her, and the police wouldn't talk to her because of me.
To some extent she tried to cover up her difficulties and when we tried to talk to her about it she was aggressive.
This week I got the chance to talk with the actress, educator and mother of two to talk about the STEM gender gap and her (highly) educated guess as to what can be done.
FORBES: Mayim Bialik's 'Big Bang Theory' On Girls, STEM Careers And Role Models
And Sylvia loves to talk about her parents growing up in West Virginia and the values that they instilled in her as educators.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President in Personnel Announcements
Like many people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Gillian said she was too embarrassed to talk about her condition with her family and used to try to hide her obsessional thoughts and ritualistic actions from them.
BBC: Gillian waited years to get the correct diagnosis and help
Ellsworth, whose tweet started this story, will no doubt find that toy companies and console hardware producers are eager to talk to her, and may also have some hardware ideas of her own.
She said her husband didn't want to talk and her children were devastated.
But in the meantime she's learning that, with a few exceptions, she has to listen and wait her turn to talk.
He said Weisz supported the WFP and claimed more people would listen to her talk about hunger and poverty than him.
The 29-year-old singer-songwriter recently sat down with NPR's David Greene to talk about her life, her latest album and her unique approach to remembering lyrics.
Summer, who was born in Boston and whose father was a butcher and mother a schoolteacher, sang from the moment she learned to talk, and her debut performance came in church at age 10 when the scheduled singer didn't show and the pastor asked Donna to step in.
Also, Ms. Olson says, consider encouraging your wife to talk to her employer and say "she is confused, that she wants to understand the decision, that she was hoping that this 10% pay cut was going to do the trick, " and to ask about possible severance pay.
Molitor says she's seen a wave of families come to her to talk about money and the stress it's causing them.
"We will need to sit down and talk to the school to see how we can keep her motivated because it will be extremely basic, " said Mr Hankins.
The friends told the story of how Ms. Behar phoned Ms. Essman after a party and told her she had to let her husband talk more.
The staff nurse said she "went straight over to her and said, I have to talk to you, and what happened to the baby".
Now, she would like to talk with her longtime friend, DeJesus, to introduce her to her kids and tell her much, much more.
She said it also allowed her to talk about other issues that are important to her, such as education and the environment.
Now Erin is now able to talk in whispers to most of the staff and a couple of her fellow pupils.
It's only natural that she wants some time to talk to her supporters and gather her thoughts before conceding, he says, but in the coming days, she'll come together with Obama.
Sandra Bullock sweeps into her office at her production company in West Hollywood and picks up the phone to talk over a few things for her next film, All About Steve.
Sadie Holland has been "sequestered by the FBI" and told not to talk to anybody for now, and is undergoing medical tests, her son said.
At a recent business conference, I listened to Barbara Pantuso, who is the co-founder and CEO of Hey Neighbor, talk about how her site allows users to create a social network from only those in their neighborhood.
"We know you want to talk to her, but she is young, she is inexperienced and she is not able to reply properly to all your questions, " he said.