But all of you students have one thing in common, and that is that same passion for poetry and writing that I had when I was young, and I understand that you all are a pretty talented bunch.
This is a dialogue between the chef and the diner in the same way that poetry is a dialogue between the poet and the reader.
And while many might think that in this world of tweets and texts, the art of poetry is slowly dying out, the truth is that it seems to be on the upswing among young people, Young says partly because of poetry slams and the like, but also due to the Internet.
But I love being a poet, and I think that the poetry is the foundation of all of my creative work, actually.
So distinctive is La Roja's style that it is often compared to poetry and ballet.
And he had shown me an Aztec poem, and Aztec poetry is all about this conflict that the heart goes through because of loving life and finding life so beautiful and yet knowing that we are - that we are not immortal.
She argues the reason there are so many political books on shop shelves is that novels and poetry sell out fastest.
Many will agree that Durrell's best work is infused with his love of Greece, and that his poetry deserves to be better known.
The China that invented gunpowder and paper is also known for its poetry.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents Medals in Arts and Humanities
Later he falls in with a circle of actors and artists to whom he boasts, untruthfully, that his poetry is about to be published in Sinn und Form, a highly respected literary journal.
The final sequence makes it plain that because Carroll now writes poetry he is cured, and redeemed.
All this is narrated with great flair in prose that is heavy on expletives and light on punctuation yet full of music and poetry.
At the other end of the spectrum from both Mr Ashbery and Mr Muldoon is someone like Sharon Olds, who writes poetry of sheer, unreconstructed pathos that is not so much autobiographical as autobiological about herself from the neck down.
ECONOMIST: Modern poetry can be plaintive or richly idiomatic, or both