• In a report published earlier this year, it suggested the pharmaceutical industry is incapable of providing impartial information on its medicines and that such information should only come from independent sources.

    BBC: MEPs vote against drug 'advertising'

  • The amended Final Rule requires operators to take reasonable steps to make sure that children's personal information is released only to service providers and third parties that are capable of maintaining the confidentiality, security, and integrity of such information, and who assure that they will do so.

    ENGADGET: FTC introduces changes to Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, parental permission now required to collect information

  • Former Ambassador to Gabon Joseph Wilson told NBC's "Meet the Press" he informed the CIA and the State Department that such information was false months before U.S. and British officials used it during the debate that led to war.

    CNN: Iraq arms inquiry raps Blair

  • Such trends data, and there are companies out there that will compile such information on Twitter mentions, Facebook pages and the like for those who are interested, is indeed interesting data.

    FORBES: Using Google to Pick Stocks

  • You should require employees who have access to customer lists, strategic plans, pricing information, financial data and other confidential business information to sign confidentiality agreements that restrict their use of such information during their employment and after.

    FORBES: Employers, Know Your Rights!

  • All employees who have access to trade secrets and other confidential information should have signed a confidentiality agreement making it clear that such information belongs solely to the company and cannot be used for other purposes.

    FORBES: Can You Keep a Secret? Protecting Your Business's Most Valuable Asset

  • The dissenters, led by Stephen Breyer, noted that prescription information is collected pursuant to government regulations and the court had never found that the release or use of such information is governed by the First Amendment.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Protects Generic Drugs, Drug Marketers

  • The report, Great Expectations, says the key to good customer focus is happy staff and that changes such as easier appointment booking systems, clearer information about treatment and better bedside manner can make all the difference to patient experience.

    BBC: Good bedside manner can improve patient satisfaction

  • Managers who place their personal financial gain before the best interests of investors should be required to fully disclose their violations and not be permitted to maintain that such information is confidential.

    FORBES: Early Warnings of Mutual Fund Illegalities (October 1, 2003 )

  • Lawyers for Gonzales declined to comment on tape, but said in a statement that the former attorney general either forgot or was unaware of the rules on how to handle such information, and that he regrets the lapse.

    NPR: Report: Ex-AG Gonzales Mishandled Classified Info

  • Technology and financial companies that rely on data centers for information storage and communication (companies such as Microsoft or Goldman Sachs) need to be especially careful about minimizing the cooling expenses associated with these operations.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • According to the description of the UN Special Rapporteur on the protection and promotion of the right to freedom of expression and opinion, journalists are individuals who observe and describe events, document and analyse events, statements, policies, and any propositions that can affect society, with the purpose of systemizing such information and gathering of facts and analyses to inform sector of society or society as a whole.

    UNESCO: World Press Freedom Day 2013

  • These analysts were wrong because they did not understand that Kindle does not have a good application programming interface and as such does not integrate easily with the information technology systems that run businesses.

    FORBES: Apple's Blowout Validates Siri, iPad's Corporate Appeal

  • The regulator also highlighted assessments that had missed vital information, such as a diagnosis of diabetes, and care records that were incomplete, meaning problems such as pressure ulcers could be missed by carers.

    BBC: Elderly 'suffer from poor home care'

  • Many existing federal Web sites that organize information from agencies, such as the White House site and the Commerce Department's FedWorld Information Network, focus more on offering links to agencies than on providing services and topics.

    CNN: WebGov still suffers delays

  • But, again, I think that we live in such a world of choices in terms of getting information and watching media, that there will be ample opportunity for Americans to hear and see the President, ample opportunity for Americans to hear and see candidates for office.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • In addition to education and entertainment, it provides agricultural information, such as prices, weather data and farming tips, that can be called up from special menus on some Nokia handsets.

    ECONOMIST: Beyond voice

  • "As we sense in real time more and more about the individual, such as moods and behaviour, we need to provide near absolute guarantees that the information will not be subject to theft or attack, down to the silicon melting and still not giving up its data, " says Justin Rattner, chief technology officer at Intel, the world's biggest chipmaker.

    CNN: The wave of wearable computers

  • The boom turned to bust as complacent American policymakers across the political spectrum forgot that the sources of wealth, such as hard work, invention, and policies that permit a free flow of information, must be constantly renewed.

    FORBES: The Wonders of Wealth, the Path Out of Poverty

  • But Tom Rafferty of the Economist Intelligence Unit told the BBC the issue was unlikely to be just "a passing glitch", and said that such practices could pose technical and political challenges to Tencent because international users were accustomed to sharing information freely.

    BBC: Tencent

  • "It's unfortunate that greedy corporations have disputes that reach such a level that average citizens are deprived of their ability to receive entertainment and information which they deserve, " said the outspoken former presidential candidate, as he talked to reporters just before a temporary deal between the two companies was announced.

    CNN: McCain speaks out on Time Warner-ABC flap

  • The unexploded devices that were recovered could provide a treasure trove of information such as fingerprints and indications of the bomb maker's design, and from the bombs that did explode, investigators would be looking for fragments and anything indicating the "signature" of the bomb makers, the official told CNN.


  • Secondly, they need to be reassured that they will get information that will help them both before such an episode would occur, and also, if by chance they felt they'd had exposure.

    CNN: Dr. William Hall: Medical impact of bioterrorism

  • WhitePages, the Seattle-based provider of business and personal contact information, is one such firm that views mobile and local services as its future.

    FORBES: WhitePages Wants To Be Your Location-Aware Mobile Address Book

  • For instance, HTC Sense introduces a customizable active lockscreen experience that transforms the lockscreen into a real-time window to the most important information and content, such as social updates, photos, weather or stock updates that are viewed by simply turning on the display.

    ENGADGET: HTC Sensation 4G official: 1.2GHz dual-core, qHD display, and Sense 3.0

  • For that reason we balance deep content with compelling information, such as stimulating case studies about the latest and greatest machining technology that will affect their businesses and give them the leading edge against their competition.

    FORBES: Engineering Content For Makino

  • Lopez would prefer to entrust half of his digital-security information to a service such as Legacy Locker and the other half to family members, so that each side's information would be useless without the other's.

    CNN: New services promise online life after death

  • The article concludes that "given such efficiency in using administrative and information resources, anyone at all could become president".

    BBC: Russian press reflects on election shock

  • We estimate that demand for certain roles such as information and business architects will increase by 200 percent or more.

    FORBES: The IT Skills Gap

  • Then again, everyone is operating on the basis of that first little piece of information: and several of such rumours recently have been denied subsequently.

    FORBES: Links 26 Nov: Is Apple Dumping Samsung As A Battery Supplier Now?

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