And that way the knowledge and experience is passed down to the next generation of sportsmen.
And that way, Apple could maintain its 70% gross margin with little risk of losing sales at that slightly higher price.
Many people assume they can simply work in retirement and that way of thinking may sell them short, sabotaging their retirement planning.
Their attitude is, no, we'll take the young, healthy ones, and that way we never have to pay out and we make more profit.
And that way the expansion then becomes more self-generating and sustained, and perhaps to some extent makes believers out of even those who sort of argued against the fact that it would continue, and certainly, I think, put to rest any talk of double dips.
And just I have my own little praise party every morning while I'm getting ready and that way I can walk in here and hopefully have the right light, the right energy to inspire everybody else to go out and do the work we have to do.
So we prefer to do an airlift - the difference being that you bring supplies in, in massive quantities by plane, to some distribution point or to a central point and then you move it out from there and that way you can spread the aid out to many places where they need it the most.
And that really, to me, is the trick of reading like a writer, and the way that I read and the way I would think that people who want to be writers should be reading.
Starr told reporters that in the letter to Reno "we suggest that we seek mechanisms that will ensure a full investigation of the facts in a fair way and a comprehensive way that will promote public confidence in the administration of justice, and that we explore that in a careful and thoughtful way with the Justice Department, " Starr said.
And I am confident that it will be viewed that way, and is viewed that way, by the American people.
The VNA Group delivers to consumers and businesses around the world a diverse array of innovative products and services that enhance and improve the way that people work and play.
But I doubt that any of you were aware of the role that he played in that particular contest, and the way that he inspired some of the rest of us to hang in there, and by the way, the way that helped with his staff to give us what we needed in order to fight that battle.
And I think that that - and they believe that that's pretty stable and likely to remain that way for quite some time, and I think that's true.
So for Democrats, what they're trying to do is to build on issues where they believe voters will see a large difference, a chasm if you will, between the way that they proceed and the way that the Republicans proceed.
Most of the damage there was also from smoke and heat, suggesting that the fire had started farther down the hallway, and he headed that way, stepping over debris and ducking under insulation and wiring that hung down from the exposed ceiling.
It has been said over centuries that rumour gets half way round the world before truth can put its shoes on - and that was way before the internet, and the ability to send rumour sprinting at the click of a mouse.
We ought to be able to, in a country as proud and as rich in tradition as the United States of America, to have a debate in a way that is civil and in a way that demonstrates both the passion of our beliefs, but in the values that we hold dearly as a country.
It is a national champion, in the way that IBM and Nokia used to be and the way that Apple has become.
FORBES: Why China and Korea's Priorities May Decide The Smartphone Wars
"The yellow wrist band that I wear each day reminds me of all that I have been through, the people I have known and lost along the way, and that we have a long way to go in our collective fight against cancer, " she said.
And that's the way it was when I went to school back in the '80s, and that's the way I've always understood it.
Instead, remember that you are at a professional function and behave that way.
So I think really, like I said, it's really best as an insurance bet, to take a group of stocks that in general are cheap and good and invest that way.
And is it still the case that you in no way want that package opened up and changed in any way so that it would have to go back to the Senate?
Ms. PROSE: So I can only tell you to try and see, you know, the way each book needs to be written, and to be open to what the book itself is kind of telling you in a way that needs to be done and try and do it that way.
And we need to do that in a balanced way, and we believe that the best way to do that in a balanced way is to address all forms of spending, including spending through the tax code.
That is whether Mr Horta-Osorio is capable of working and living in a way that does not lead him to be deprived of sleep and relaxation - and allows him to do the job both effectively and in a way that doesn't take an excessive toll on him.
"The captain was telling us to stay together, and that help was on its way and that we needed to wait, " Kate Suski said.
"It's a very, very significant and important monument and we want to make sure that in any relocation that it is properly relocated in a sensitive way and that the structure is in no way harmed or interfered with, " said Mr Walters.
And part of that problem was lodged in MMS and the way that that agency was structured.
WHITEHOUSE: Deepwater BP Oil Spill: Presidential Press Conference