This information is encrypted within the Smartpen and then sent out through an infrared transmitter.
The land will need to be flattened and then the sea wall will be built.
We must empower children to speak up and then be sure that their voices are heard.
There are the candidates and then there are people who were proxying for the candidates.
Thurston converted and then added a penalty as Australia controlled the final stages of the half.
And then there is Sour Flour, a community-focused bakeshop in the Mission District.
The inner circle formulates a plan, and then off they go to sell it to us.
It was around in the '90s and then it closed, but it recently reopened again.
Take it to the kitchen to be braaied (barbecued) and then find a table outside.
And then there are the rest of the woman who I think fall somewhere in between.
Here, the menu is still written out by hand daily and then mimeographed in lilac-colored ink.
The two discovered tea bags in their hotel room and then went looking for milk.
And then, there is Poutine Week, an entire week dedicated solely to poutine.
"I read through it and then I realized what I was reading, " she said.
"Our honeymoon will last the weekend and then it will be back to campaigning, " she said ruefully.
When the Titanic was sinking in 1912, its operator first sent out CQD and then SOS, alternating.
This new arthroplastic joint would be hammered into my upper arm and then cemented to my clavicle.
And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and then we're going to Washington, D.
In many cases, they refused to have pupils expelled for violence and then reinstated back in their classrooms.
And then three slightly calmer men, also part of the Baron Cohen posse, wander over for a chat.
"The voters see it as leadership competence, and then that can translate into many different things, " Dowd said.
It takes another hour to overcome the Carrasqueira and then an additional 45 minutes to reach the peak.
On Thursdays, she would go to Philadelphia for chemo, and then spend the rest of the weekend recuperating.
And then the issue will be put before the United Nations Security Council for possible action, meaning sanctions.
Most visitors take in the giddy view and then turn back without ever setting foot on the glacier.
And then Nic Polenakis, wildlife guide and part-owner of the Somalisa Bush Camp, did a curious thing.
Yet, another story says the hunters smelled gas, banged a pipe into the ground and then lit it.
Sell the believer a product, and then immediately start thinking about how to sell him a faster model.
First he was an industrial pharmacist, and then he opened up an ingredient import business, which eventually failed.
And that argument will continue, no doubt, and will be discussed by participants and then historians.