You walk back together in silence, and then she says, When are you going to come by to show me that movie?
And then she says she's - and he says she's mad because he claims that - she claims that he's bought his in-laws a nicer house.
She says she is going to finish high school and then really go ahead with her modeling ambitions and is considering acting.
One strategy some retailers have taken is to buy lower quality merchandise at a very low price point and then mark it down slightly, she says.
"It's too busy here to ask those kinds of questions, " she says, and then guesses that the Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, where she works, would probably own the intellectual property.
"I think it was someone who moved it to a safe place, and then didn't tell anyone where they moved it and then since either retired or forgot about it, " she says.
"Every time you stop at a red light, contract your abs for a count of five and then let go and repeat, " she says.
"There's nothing worse than having the spouse not realize that a pension was still being paid to the deceased...spending it...and then having to return it, " she says.
"She wants to be understanding, he wants to be able to shove it aside, then he has nightmares, and she says, 'you're not setting it aside, ' " Tabin said.
CNN: For long-separated families, reunions can be a struggle
"Greece has to exit the Euro, it has to get competitive, has to devalue currency and then almost needs a Marshall Plan, " she says.
"Each wave is like a hammer stroke beating on a sea wall which starts to make it crack and then we have to repair it, " she says.
' Then she points at the buckshelves and she says, 'And I guess all these bucks just appeared when you came back from lunch, too, huh?
"She was born during the Japanese occupation and then she went through the Korean War, " Jo says.
"I'll tell her my idea for the movie and some scene ideas and then she'll pitch me ideas, " he says.
And then we race home, she kicks off her shoes and says, 'Okay!
"I'll do homework until eight or nine at night and then cram in any jewelry orders I have, " she says.
Her co-workers and bosses began asking her for advice, she says, then their friends, then their friends' friends.
WSJ: Wardrobe Dysfunction: Inaugural Puts Button-Down Town in Tizzy
"The business plan wrote itself to begin with, then backed up with help and advice I received, " she says.
And while she says much has been done across the country since then, voters' perceptions are still paramount.
"We would go to the U.K. and then come back and have to tear out the work, " she says.
"And then I realize this is probably really something I need to do, " she says.
Then, she says, Clintons 4 McCain will own the ad and might use some form of it to blast Obama again.
In an interview with Metro newspaper, Chastain says she was initially vetted by producer Nick Gonda, and then later met with the director, Terrence Malick.
Bhutto's political future will be determined by her ability first to win parliamentary elections, and then, says opposition politician Tahir Hussein Mashidi(ph), on how well she delivers.
The 26 year-old was found to have abused her son, then aged two, by violently twisting him and causing him multiple fractures, but she says her family history of brittle bone disease was wrongly ruled out.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Real Story | My fight to be a mother
Since then Ms Barton says she has focussed funding on hiring highly qualified teachers and on extra support for pupils who struggle with English and maths, including one to one tuition for those in danger of falling behind.
For all our belief in humility, for all the veneration of the modest and supposedly modest, there is no visual in sports quite as satisfying as the called shot the athlete who says he or she will go out and do it, and then does it.
Newton says she checks Facebook first thing when she wakes up, and then she checks her Facebook page as many as seven times while at work, and then she'll check Facebook again when she gets home and one more time before she goes to sleep.