• And my admiration stands even though I know that the recent history of physics is filled with attempts to unify quantum mechanics and relativity that have crashed and burned.

    FORBES: Does the Universe Add Dimensions As It Expands?

  • Though I prefer to be and am at home I know many happy couples who share their lives, have children and both work.

    FORBES: Readers Say

  • When I read these I realized that even though I cover food avidly and know a lot about many forms of food production, I was virtually ignorant about the dairy industry.

    FORBES: Kardashian's Debut Book Tackles Serious Food Issues

  • And I sympathize with her on some level because it feels incredibly invasive even though I know that much of the personal material in the emails has been redacted.

    FORBES: Sarah Palin Emails Show Discord Over Oil Tax

  • But while our economy may be weakened and our confidence shaken, though we are living through difficult and uncertain times, tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.

    CNN: Obama speech to Congress focuses on economy

  • Soon, my favorite hotel, my favorite rental car company, and my favorite airline will know me, even though I have been here all along.

    FORBES: Soon the Travel Industry Will Become Your Personal Concierge

  • He is going to do Engineering, and even though it is only a bus ride away, I know that I will lose him when he goes.

    NEWYORKER: Natalie

  • Though, from all that I know of his nature and his feelings for my mother, I think he may have been proud to see how good she looked in these liberating styles and how well she fit in with the theatre people.

    NEWYORKER: Gravel

  • One of the most frustrating aspects of these crimes for many local prosecutors and I am one of them is that even though we know the ripoffs are taking place, and we have the resources and expertise to investigate and prosecute, our hands are tied.

    WSJ: Cyrus Vance Jr.: Why Your Tax Return Isn't Safe

  • And though I want to emphasize that in the end, as we all know, it's our responsibility as women to also talk to our doctors about what screenings that we need and then make the appointments to get those screenings, even when it's inconvenient or maybe a little bit uncomfortable.

    WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady and Dr. Jill Biden Observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month | The White House

  • And I'm sure that in many ways, though, this case, you know, is coming to a resolution that has a much, much better ending than that.

    NPR: The Missing Women Were Seemingly In Plain Sight

  • You probably won't be able to see them anyway Enos never has, and neither could I, though Great-Aunt Emily used to say that she got to know some of them quite well when she was a girl.

    NPR: Excerpt: The Sherwood Ring

  • And so even though I don't think there's a kind of, you know, Autocracy International growing up, it is true that autocracies share something in common, which is that their position is no one should tell anybody else what kind of government they should have.

    NPR: Role of U.S. Changing in New World Order

  • That - you know, I'm a Republican here in Florida, and even though I'm talking about, really, the Democratic primary, let's face it, the Republican primary is over.

    NPR: Florida Weighs Options After Breaking Party Rules

  • Though I know far too many a person who could easily be defined as any of those things and have somehow managed to finagle their way into a long-term committed relationship.

    FORBES: Single People - It's Not Them, It's You

  • It was an astonishing triumph of human visual-spatial reasoning, and one of the first major scientific advances to come from playing a video game (though plenty of software engineers I know would argue that video games activate much more creativity than we care to acknowledge).

    CNN: People and computers need each other

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