That Judgment has effect throughout the European Union and was upheld by the Court of Appeal of England and Wales on 18 October 2012.
That Judgment has effect throughout the European Union and was upheld by the Court of Appeal on 18 October 2012.
"If the court orders another trial, if she is convicted at that trial and if the conviction is upheld by the highest court, then Italy could seek her extradition, " Dalla Vedova said Monday.
Similar voter ID laws have been passed and upheld by courts in the states of Indiana, Georgia and New Hampshire.
Supporters said a temporary site would honor a commitment by the federal government and upheld by recent federal court decisions for the Energy Department to accept spent fuel from commercial plants.
It was challenged by the state but upheld by the state Supreme Court, and overturned by a federal court following a private legal challenge.
But Treasury rules do require it, and the Treasury's position has been upheld by the courts, which have ruled that an estimate of what might be recovered isn't enough for a taxpayer to claim his losses.
The CFI also upheld the remedies dictated by the Commission and left the fine unchanged.
"Given the character of Kessler's findings -- and now the fact that her findings have been upheld by the appeals court -- this is really in a way a road map to tobacco regulation, " Brandt said.
It was subsequently told to publish it by the Information Commissioner, and the Information Rights Tribunal later upheld the watchdog's ruling.
Mr. Abbas, who has been upheld by the United States and Israel alike as a "reformer, " wrote his Ph.
But delegates refused the request by a wafer-thin majority and the shark ban was upheld.
Kodak reports that the patent was recently upheld as valid by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
FORBES: Rejected! Kodak Says ITC Nixes Patent Claims Vs. Apple, RIM
His local story becomes a cross-section of national attitudes, values, and principles, and comically dramatizes a paradox: as freedoms guaranteed by law are upheld in court, the private becomes glaringly public and the personal political, at the risk of what may be the most basic right of all, to be left the hell alone.
Both the jail term and the ban from holding office will only take effect if the sentence is upheld by a higher court.
The new version is a lot shorter, and simply repeats what it published in national newspapers this week, stating that the court did not find Samsung to be in breach of Apple's registered design No. 0000181607-0001, reminding us that it was also upheld by the Court of Appeal, providing links to the appropriate patent and judgement documents online.
That definition was upheld by the Third, Fifth and Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, as well as by a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit.
FORBES: Careful What You Click: The CFAA, The Ninth Circuit, And Your Right to Read This Blog
Those Obamacare tax increases include the individual mandate, upheld by the Supreme Court precisely because it is an effective tax on working people and the middle class.
FORBES: Bill Clinton Fed His Flock Democratic Daydreams And Fairy Tales
This despite the fact the Senate demanded, as a condition for approval of the CWC, and received assurances that certain applications of RCAs by the military were permissible, an understanding that until now was upheld by Republican and Democratic administrations alike.
Vinson and Hudson were outnumbered by other district judges who either upheld the law or threw out lawsuits against it, but those rulings were mostly ignored.
In June, just weeks before Morsy's election, Egypt's military leaders declared parliament invalid and dissolved the body, a ruling which was upheld by Egypt's highest court in September.
Meanwhile, a patient who was told she was dying and given the last rites, but who went on to make a full recovery, has had her complaint upheld by the SPSO.
Stevenson is fighting the claim in U.S. Tax Court, but if the IRS sticks by its position and is upheld, it threatens a strategy apparently used by many wealthy individuals to raise cash and hedge risk while deferring taxes.
FORBES: The Lauders did it. So did Craig McCaw and Ronald Perelman.
In July 2010, Solihull Borough Council refused him retrospective planning permission for those pitches, a decision which was upheld by Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, in October 2011.
Dupnik said he opposed SB 1070 because if the entire law had been upheld by the federal courts, it would have resulted in overcrowded jails and overburdened state courts.
He was given not out by the on-field umpire but Australia called for a review and their appeal was upheld.
Kodak notes that the same patent had been upheld by another judge in an ITC case against LG and Samsung.
FORBES: Rejected! Kodak Says ITC Nixes Patent Claims Vs. Apple, RIM
That policy's been upheld by the courts, but in this case it's a very specific one person and that person is now an admitted felon.
In a ruling Tuesday, the Paris court upheld an unfair competition complaint lodged by Bottin Cartographes against Google France and its parent company Google Inc. for providing free web mapping services to some businesses.