We returned to Rawitch's office Tuesday, told her we believed the suspension was unconstitutional, asked her to reconsider, and warned her that we would take legal action if she did not.
And I warned everybody we were going to have a steep hill to climb.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at the Women's Leadership Forum
My colleague Jesse Jenkins and I warned about this last Friday, when we argued that cap and trade advocates would use recent news that Deutsche Bank is moving clean energy investment overseas as evidence that cap and trade would have kept investment in the United States.
FORBES: Getting It Wrong On Carbon Caps and Clean Tech Investment
Interviewer beware: behavioral economists have warned us well and good that we suffer from perception bias, in which we seek information that confirms our initial perceptions.
We can be warned if the tires need air, and Onstar tells the police if we've had an accident and where and how bad.
"We knew before the game it was going to be tough - we warned the players and warned the people, " added McClaren, whose side drew at home to Brazil in their first game at Wembley on Friday.
"To a certain extent we have lost faith in the decision-making as we warned the pre-trial chamber of the quality of the evidence and we were ignored, " Mr Kay told the court, reports the AFP news agency.
Sir Mervyn King could scarcely be gloomier about the short-term outlook for the eurozone - and the UK. He repeated again recently that we were "only halfway through" the crisis - and warned that the economic situation had deteriorated dramatically in a matter of just a few weeks.
"We stand warned by serious and credible scientists across the world that time is short and the dangers are great, " McCain said in Portland, Oregon.
And now we find out our most important ally, Britain, also had sufficient intelligence and had warned us in advance about AbdulMutallab.
We took our house off the market, and warned our daughter's headmistress of the risks of strangers hanging around the school.
Joseph Lykken, a physicist at Fermilab in Illinois, warned that based on the physics we know (and the details of the Higgs) things don't look good for the cosmos.
"It's last week, the past, it is behind us and we move on, " insisted Alonso, who warned the media melee he would stop answering questions in English if he was asked again about the events of 2008.
The state of America's aging nuclear arsenal also troubled Mr. Gaffney, who warned "Our stockpile is not as safe and reliable as we could make it" and that a resumption of nuclear testing is needed to permit such improvements to be made and to diagnose and correct the Nation's yawning vulnerabilities to electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) attacks.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DoD Budget Threatens Cuts to Crucial Programs
We were warned they'd raise those flags and stop the bus for inspection if they spotted a camera pointed out the window.
We had been warned to expect travel chaos, security meltdown and organisational incompetence.
"Ultimately our future is going to lie in knowledge based industries and we've got to all get behind it, " he warned.
"The challenge for us as a group of players is to make sure we play for 80 minutes and not just in patches, " warned fly-half Jones.
"We are concerned that adding new uses to natural gas, such as in transportation, will create new and relatively inelastic demand that we cannot meet without high prices, " he warned.
At our current rate, we will be there in about three years as Bowles and Simpson have warned.
FORBES: Lack Of Federal Fiscal Discipline Puts U.S. In Greece's League
Has any candidate warned that we have a personal responsibility to take better care of ourselves and our children?
In fact, the current histrionics, in a way, seem a bit akin to Y2K, when we were warned for months about jets falling out of the sky and uncooperative ATMs. Yet the worst things that happened come January 1, 2000, were perhaps some stubborn hangovers.
If you recall, we saw some valuation watches and warnings from ValuEngine.com recently and I warned that these signals have proven timely in the past.
President Obama has repeatedly, and in prepared remarks, warned us about how automation and technology such as ATMs and the Internet destroy jobs, so we will keep automation to a minimum.
FORBES: What If Barack Obama And Paul Krugman Ran A Business?
But Mr Clarke, one of the party's most pro-European voices, warned his colleagues that they needed to "concentrate on what we are in favour of and not just what we are against".
"We cannot sit back and let the Council continue as if nothing has changed, " he warned.
But he warned that "we cannot tolerate a safe-haven for terrorists whose location is known, and whose intentions are clear".
But Nick Herbert of the Business for Sterling campaign warned that "every company would suffer if we get the wrong interest rate, higher taxes and more red tape" by joining the euro.
We've seen weak retail reports this month, and just before Christmas (US chipmaker) Cypress warned about weak wireless chip sales.
It warned us of a monster backup on the George Washington Bridge and estimated how long that would delay us in case we wanted to take an alternate route.