But I do think that your record and what you say does matter.
Classically, an employee is someone working full time for wages, only for you, and doing what you say where, when and how you direct.
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As I wrote about here, interviewers are looking for certain answers, and the combination of what you say and how you say it is what builds impressions.
Scholars are teaming up with epidemiologists and social scientists to see if what you say and how you say it are determining factors in whether you'll get a loan, contract a disease or tend to stereotype people.
The more sophisticated ones attempt to identify and exploit the dissonance between what you say you want and what you really appear to want, through the choices you make online.
And what would you say, Iain, what is the magic X factor, what is the quality, what is the characteristic that will make you, if you become leader of the Conservative Party, more successful, less unsuccessful than William Hague, what's the difference that will pay off for the Conservatives?
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Conservative leadership contender Iain Duncan Smith
Just like dictating to someone, you get on the phone and say what you want to say.
Are you following this movement, and what would you say to its -- people that are attracted to it?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on the American Jobs Act
The point of view will shape what you say and how you say it.
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You can be more intentional about what you say and how you say it.
When you look down a list like this, and you see what you say are Saudi names or Yemenese names, does that or does that not necessarily mean a particular link with those countries?
But if you were to apply retrospection you would have to draw a line somewhere, and wherever you drew that line, there would be some people who came the wrong side of it and what would you say to them?
Be so vivid that others tend to remember and repeat what you say, using the A.I.
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And what do you say to a Jim Webb who today said there was no consultation with Congress, that they were simply told what the plan was.
And what do you say as the CBC now is calling for legislators to look at the Stand Your Ground law, and as the Justice Department is investigating still?
And what do you say to Republicans who have been asking for even more documents -- have been saying that they want even more documents about the Osama bin Laden raid, that there were documents at his compound that have not been released?
And so when you go back and you talk to your friends and you say, what was the main message the President had -- we are rooting for your success, and we want to work with you to achieve that success, but ultimately success is going to be in your hands.
So let me bring you back to the hellebore theory for a moment, and press you to say what you think of it?
This reinforces the reality that online, as well as in the real world, you need to be careful what you say and who you trust.
For job seekers, this highlights the importance of having an active profile on sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and underlines the fact that what you say and do on those sites can impact your career.
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That's how value marketing works - the food retailer offers you a lot more food for just a little more money and you say what a bargain and you spend more money than you intended to.
Say what you mean, mean what you say and deliver along the lines that you say you will deliver.
The difference between the two, for the most part, lies in the user interface that they've each created for finding and recording programs -- Tivo will recommend new programs based on what you say you like and dislike, while Replay creates categories of programs (comedy, for instance) for browsing.
CNN: Analysis: Consumers have yet to buy into interactive TV
If you are on a job interview or in the middle of negotiations with a big client, think about what you say and the words you are using.
The more adept you are at altering your speed, volume and tone to match that of the group you are addressing, the better they will hear and accept what you have to say.
You can change the meaning and the outcome of what you say by how you say it.
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Be nice, show up on time, do what you say you will do, and then say thank you!
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