Drive 19 miles from the Nisqually entrance and you are in Paradise - literally.
And yet the central tunnel is bare carbon fibre and you have elbow-room aplenty.
But Wi is a bit more upscale and you may even spot celebrities like John Travolta.
And you know, um, what I'm doing in health I think is extremely important.
And you can see where the delicate lichens have been disturbed by human feet.
Loons, bald eagles and seals are common sights, and you may even spot a whale offshore.
Return after big rains and you'll encounter something close to a Garden of Eden.
Walk into one and you will see small farms that still harvest date palms today.
Look around and you will see plenty of SEC-registered garbage trading on Wall Street.
Strap a gargoyle on the corner and you would think you were in baroque Europe.
Look around and you may just see the next Nairo Quintana wheeling through the streets.
You see this stuff, and you say, man, other people should see this, too.
And you can ask all the questions you have ever wanted to about Islam and the UAE.
History is being created and you are denying Derry people the chance to see their heroes play.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Europe | Derry Uefa Cup tie could be moved
My colleague James Gallagher has reported on the research and you can read his copy here.
Participation is limited to 20 to 25 people and you can sign up on the Facebook page.
Read it before a long journey, and you may regard the boring old motorway with a new appreciation.
For most locals, the beach is not just about sunbathing, and you will not see many people reading.
Get a stronger verb and you won't need an adverb, he would tell me.
And you have hurricane season coming up, and forest fires, and flooding along the Northeast Coast.
NPR: Critics Question Using Nat'l Guard Troops at the Border
You reach back, and you give other folks a chance to succeed as well.
Speak too loudly, stand in the wrong place, and you're on the wrong side of it.
This is just a standard observation: tax something and you get less of it.
Put it all together and you bring your snapshots of buying customers into sharper focus.
FORBES: Where Are Your Prospects? Birds Of A Feather Flock Together
Talk to enough Medanese and you will find a fourth victim: the native Indonesians, called pribumis.
Guess too high and you will be making an interest-free loan to the U.S. Treasury.
If the management is talking away and you're still lost, it's probably their problem.
They're very fragile, and you can scratch a film on its very first screening.
Well, you shoot them down when they're too close and you've lost another friend.
Pour pink with lobster, crab or salmon and you will be loving your life.