"The thing Scottish football does have is this brand called the Old Firm and whether you call it car crash television or not, everybody is attracted to it, " Spiers said.
And you can call it a coincidence, but I just want to point out that right after they visited with me -- (laughter) -- the Galaxy built the best record in the league.
If you work with a tax professional it is a good idea to fax him a copy before you call and ask about it, although I do find it entertaining to try to explain notices that I am not looking at.
FORBES: Don't Be Fooled By E-Mail 'From IRS' - But Don't Ignore Their Snailmail
In the early days it was in your face and people could call you names and get away with it and there was nothing you could do.
BBC: Stephen Lawrence 20th anniversary memorial service held
In short, the game requires participation, and so you can call it play.
My face is the most prominent thing about me: it's red, and sometimes it looks healthy and windburned and full of what you might call life, and sometimes it just looks enflamed.
I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go, and I hope you call back because it looked like you had an interesting question.
"There are times where there are bad folks somewhere on the other side of the world, and you've got to make a call and it's not optimal, " he said.
CNN: Obama to give white paper on targeted killings to Congress
The execution of this trade would involve the purchase of the March 32 call and sell of March 33 call (buying a vertical spread) while simultaneously selling the March 33 call and purchasing the March 34 call ( selling a vertical spread) However, you put it in as one trade (a call butterfly) and then you can fill as one price on the whole trade.
FORBES: Still Flying Into Housing Stocks? Consider This Options Strategy
But it was also leadership and it was also, you know, in logic they call it an argument against interest.
"I think that your attempt to do this is blatant, and I'm going to call you out on it, because I'm not going to sit here and be window dressing, " he said to Bumiller.
Mr. CLELAND: Well, you really can't project the future from looking at the past because when you start doing voice over technology--and we call it techcom, which is a convergence of technology and telecom--you're really changing from a service to an application.
The new handset shares a handful of specs with the Ascend D2, and although it's not as equipped, you wouldn't call it a low-end device.
"Either it's unlimited or it isn't, and a throttled plan is not unlimited no matter what you call it, " he said in an interview Thursday.
If you grind it with a hot pepper we call rocoto, and you put garlic and a little bit of salt and water, you get a blended mixture that is very good with boiled potatoes.
And when an umpire clearly makes the wrong call, and it costs us, what do you think: I'm gonna sit on my hands?
The interrelationship of data, minutes and texting, when and where you are making the call, means it's immensely complicated to work out the best deals.
The report said that at one point Murphy was hit in the back and dropped the handset but retrieved it and completed his call, even saying "thank you" at the end of his transmission.
If you are not able to do a comparison yourself, consider asking someone in your family or a friend to help you, or you can call Medicare at 800-633-4227 and they will do it for you over the phone.
Call it speculating and make sure you are only doing it with money you can truly afford to lose.
They were living, if you can call it that, and working in Anatartica.
Mr. PAUL MILLER (American League of Lobbyists): You can't say it and then call us the next day and ask us for campaign contributions.
You might call it cap-and-dividend, were the name not taken.
Film stars aren't always the best judge of when it to call it a day, and you might fear the worst as Eastwood grouses about his pee in the first scene.
It could be talking to you in your cubicle while simultaneously having a phone call with another employee and texting a third without you even knowing as it happens.
So when do you just tough it out, and when do you head for the emergency room, or call an ambulance?