In parts of Andalusia voters want to know why Socialist officials gave friends special pensions.
Regional authorities said banks and real-estate companies own at least 350, 000 vacant properties in Andalusia.
But in a place like Andalusia any increase in austerity will fall hard on people.
Even so, at least two regions rich Catalonia and poor Andalusia are not noted for their thrift.
Happily most regions are now in PP hands (Socialist-run Andalusia holds an election in March).
Although it has won two regional elections this Spring (Andalusia and Asturias), its leader Alfredo P.
Spain's unemployment has reached 26% it is 36% in Andalusia and hundreds of thousands of families struggle to make mortgage payments.
In the event they kept Andalusia, while Mr Rajoy skewered his own credibility.
Catalonia will be less of a burden this year, but other big regions like Andalusia and Valencia may be tougher to tame.
And it's also bad just across the border in Spain, in Galicia and Andalusia, two bordering regions where another 270, 000 acres have been destroyed.
Last time round, Socialist-run regions such as Andalusia rejected the result.
On March 25th Mr Rajoy's centre-right People's Party (PP) confounded the opinion polls by failing to wrest control of Andalusia, Spain's biggest region, from the Socialists.
ECONOMIST: Once again, Spain is on the front-line of the euro crisis
Five of Spain's autonomous communities, including Catalonia and Andalusia, two of the largest in population terms, have publicly said they will not implement the new law.
Ceuta and Melilla are the remnants of a string of Spanish fortresses built in North Africa after King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella reconquered Andalusia from the Moors.
Part of the pride surrounding salmorejo is associated with the ingredients and the fact that Andalusia produces some of the best of each individual ingredient, such as D.
Only 200 or so families in Andalusia now qualify for the antieviction protection, but more will be added to the list as their homes are foreclosed, government officials say.
If Catalonia or Andalusia, which accounted for much of last year's regional overspending, are not on target, will there be the time (and political will) to force them into line?
ECONOMIST: There seems to be no end to the troubles in Spain
Defying the conservative central government in Madrid, Andalusia this month implemented measures that will temporarily stop evictions and penalize banks and real-estate firms for holding hundreds of thousands of vacant properties.
But authorities in Andalusia may have complicated a massive selloff of Spain's problem real-estate assets, highlighting the obstacles facing efforts by financial institutions in Europe's hardest hit countries to take tough actions.
Indeed, now that salmorejo has gained a following outside of Andalusia, some restaurants serve it year round, a fact that irritates purists because it means cooks may have to use hothouse tomatoes.
Officials blamed ETA. Earlier, court documents revealed that several alleged members of an ETA terror cell detained by police were intending to target the region of Andalusia and murder a Basque senator and a judge.
Its leaders liken Gaza to a ribat, a warrior monastery, and its inmates to murabitoun, or militant monks, recalling the 11th-century revivalist movement which withdrew to the Moroccan highlands before sweeping onto the Moroccan plains and Andalusia.
"The main damage in the investor's mind is the increasing uncertainty, " he said, noting that it isn't known how strongly Andalusia's decree will be enforced and what other measures regional governments could come up with that could affect the market.
Ms. Villegas Becerril's book, "El Libro del Salmorejo: Historia de un viaje milenario" traces the soup's heritage and its incarnations on the way to Andalusia from the Middle East, before the tomato arrived from the New World sometime around 1500.
The Spanish government delayed its budget for 2012 because of an election in Andalusia, created suspicions about the accuracy of its statistics, was cack-handed in its negotiation with the EU over a revised deficit target and messed up a bond sale just before Easter.
"People who eat it in Andalusia recognize the finesse of salmorejo, which can be present at simple restaurants and, at the same time, be part of the haute cuisine, " says Almudena Villegas Becerril, an author and food consultant based in Cordoba, who wrote a history of salmorejo that was published in 2010.