Today, however, variety rules anew: 1, 450 U.S. brewers make choosing a mug an adventure.
But it can and should be built anew--on a different scale and with a different spirit.
The old anxieties struck anew after he was thrust into the job market in 2008.
One way to empty the blender and start anew is to clear your cookies.
It must be struggled for, and then defended anew, every day of our lives.
Responding to a question, Rumsfeld repeated anew the administration's frustration with Iraq's neighbor, Syria.
With new leadership on each side of the equation since 2006, the battle begins anew.
This is where tablets are very good at: Making us enjoy anew everyday online activity.
His repeated attempts to have courts look anew at his conviction were, until recently, for naught.
FORBES: Jeffrey MacDonald, Innocence, and the Future of Habeas Corpus
One to be celebrated -- as is the country's constant impulse to evolve and start anew.
By the end of December, new issuance dries up and the whole cycle starts anew.
FORBES: Muni Bond Manager's Journal: Seasonal Affective Disorder
There, members of an adventurous sect of American brewers are creating an astonishing and ancient beer anew.
Global oil demand will climb anew, he said, but only in emerging countries, especially China and India.
FORBES: IEA Chief Predicts End Of Internal Combustion Engine By 2050
Still, the rapid rise of Android to near-dominance means Apple will have to step it up anew.
FORBES: Google's Android Crushes Apple's iOS In Smartphone Shipments--But Does It Matter?
The wave of accounting and management scandals has invited some abroad to disparage anew the American model.
The only way out of this is to sell all your shares and then buy the fund anew.
But this is Italy, where public employees can refuse to move indefinitely, forcing the authorities to hire anew.
In other words, the nation would begin anew the wrenching debate over marriage under way in Hawaii today.
So, a taxpayer denied innocent spouse relief under the old regime should consider applying anew under Notice 2012-8.
But when the UNP and her People's Alliance party began talks on amendments last month, hopes sprang anew.
So compassionate conservatism raises anew that age-old American question: where to draw the line between church and state?
But the bots will remain infected with the malware that recruited them, and may soon be recruited anew.
If neither debt management nor debt settlement is appropriate, you may need to file for bankruptcy and start anew.
And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.
And so capitalism's reputation has fallen on hard times and the principled case for capitalism must be made anew.
Then like a giant reset button, it will enable us start over anew.
When he dedicated the Bauhaus to "building the future anew" in 1919, he did not specify a completion date.
Recap activity is surging anew amid strong conditions in the leveraged finance market.
Washington all too frequently responds not by eliminating the harmful legislation, but pounds markets anew from the opposite side.
FORBES: Obamacare Will Stifle Healthcare Innovation, Making It A Real Pain
But it is not clear whether the guilty mutations are inherited, or whether they arise anew in each generation.