The minister of industry and commerce, Nathan Shamuyarira, said angrily that strikers and employers would be punished for their actions, but he did not specify how.
We can all go home and leave it to the politicians, said the football authorities angrily.
"I'm struggling to calm down from it, to be honest with you, " said Howell, who angrily tossed his ball into the water as he walked off the green.
President Karzai, as you know, has come out angrily about the NATO strikes and has said that he will no longer allow NATO air strikes on houses there because of the civilian casualties.
Moscow initially reacted angrily to the allegations but both sides have said they will not let it harm relations.
Boeheim at first angrily defended his assistant of 35 years and said the accusers were only out for money, seeking to cash in on the publicity generated by the Penn State scandal, in which former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was charged with and ultimately convicted of sexually abusing several boys.
The most notorious pixie was Le Barboue, or Old Bluebeard, said to wheel a barrow of parsnips angrily around the parishes of St Pierre du Bois and Torteval.
Ms McLaren said she "felt sorry" for McCluskie when his brother Danny reacted angrily over his apparent confusion about when he last saw their sister.
Turkey's government angrily denied a recent Wall Street Journal article citing U.S. officials who said the plane was most likely downed with shore-based antiaircraft guns over Syrian waters.
WSJ: Turkey Finds Pilots' Bodies, Providing New Spark for Tensions
He said he wasn't sure whether his savings had been lost, and angrily called for politicians to be held to account.
She walked over to the official and waved her racket angrily as she unleashed her tirade at the official, who immediately reported what had been said to the umpire.
"I can't say that I am optimistic for what is going to happen, but I know that to the extent that I can, I will try to influence those of my friends who voted angrily the previous time now to give (it) a second thought, " she said.
CNN: Fear and confusion rule as Greece faces uncertain future
Some Lib Dems have reacted angrily to the cross-party No campaign - which shares some financial backers with the Conservatives - and have said Mr Cameron could have stopped it from attacking Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg.
Officials said the discharged water would not pose a significant threat to human health, but local fishermen have reacted angrily.
Meanwhile, unionists reacted angrily to Downing Street's admission that it was considering an "act of reconciliation" although a government spokesman said there was no "equation between legal and illegal guns".