• Dr. Nicholas Dodman, founder of the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic, said many animal dysfunctions mimic human psychological issues.

    CNN: Why I feed my cat happy pills

  • Waiting out there could be some profound discoveries about human and animal behavior, epidemiology and a host of other sciences.

    FORBES: The Big Data Gold Rush

  • He also is credited with reviving the field of animal behavior after discovering that both instinctive and learned behavior is necessary for long-term species survival.

    NPR: American Wins Chemistry Nobel for DNA Work

  • Conservationists hope that this system will let them gather data on animal behavior that could prove to be useful for academic purposes as well as boosting tourism activities.

    CNN: Drone ranger: Unmanned plane to spy on rhino poachers

  • He guides if you request his services--and you should, because he is an encyclopedia of animal behavior, provokes intellectual and mischievous dinner conversations, and fixes a fine gin and tonic.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Animal-behavior researcher Alan Poling of Western Michigan University, who has studied the mine-sweeping rats, isn't sure how much heightened sensitivity will help.

    WSJ: Sniffing Out a More-Efficient Mine Sweeper

  • Dr. P's Dog Training site, a jewel of canine information, is provided by a psychology professor who specializes in animal learning and behavior and who describes himself as passionately interested in dog training.

    CNN: Site-Seer: Fetching an obedient dog from the Web

  • Smarr is filling a nature reserve at UC Irvine with sensors to transmit environmental data to San Diego supercomputers, which are modeling weather patterns, seismic activity and behavior of animal populations.

    FORBES: Totally Wired U.

  • As with humans, these behaviors often can and should be first treated by adjusting the animal's environment and behavior.

    CNN: Why I feed my cat happy pills

  • Before addressing any behavior issues, animal trainer Kristen Collins of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) says pet owners should start with a thorough veterinary exam.

    CNN: Solve common pet behavior problems

  • The main event is the all-day Trainer for a Day program (13 and older), which lets guests don a wetsuit and work with a family of bottlenose dolphins alongside animal experts, learning about dolphin behavior and the Dolphin Habitat's research projects that aid in the survival of dolphins in the wild.

    FORBES: Fun With Dolphins

  • Allen McConnell, a psychology professor at Miami University in Ohio who studies pet owners' behavior, said those who opt for animal preservation can be motivated by grief, a need for belonging and anthropomorphism the act of ascribing human attributes to animals or even inanimate objects.

    NPR: Mo. Taxidermist Preserves Man's Best Friend

  • Wilbur said she complained to animal control authorities and thought that this would stop the behavior.


  • They found that colonizing an adult germ-free animal with normal gut bacteria had no effect on their behavior.

    FORBES: Thinking With Your Gut. Literally.

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